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Hi Woodbine,

Put it like this, i would not be happy if it was me..... Let some of the others see what they think, they are much more experienced than me.....

What you all think?????????

I would have to see the thing for myself to be sure what was going on, but i would certainly be tracing the cables, it does look like an unmetered supply to me, but as to where is it going i have to admit i would be concerned, just in case it feeds something in YOUR house before i reported it... I have an idea!!!

Switch off your CU using the main switch in it. THEN see if ANYTHING in your house still works, if it does.... Get back to us all..

Where do you live?? more or less, what area??


I have taken a note of what you have said, and when he comes tomorrow I will ask him, also get him to check what & where the tails are that you are all asking about where they go!

Sorry John, I could not touch electricity ( I will get him to do it, I am to scared!) I live in UK Edinburgh. 

Right years ago, mainly in terraced houses, the electricity board would install a supply to every other house; these would in turn also supply the neighbouring house (all using their own meters). So in your house you have the supply and a solid link in the fuse holder supplying next doors meter (fused within their property)... The reason for the solid link is so the electricity board can isolate next door if they need to work on your supply cable

Hi Noz,

I have seen that a few times... The one looped from the one cutout to next door in thick pyro type stuff, the other ones all had a service cable [PILC] coming in, and then the same back out to next door, all neatly fitted into the bottom of the cutout complete with the pitch.  Woodbines one, though, that seems just to use some bits of tails???? Did they often do it like that??


Round here they go into an isco head in ye olde pilcswa there are 2 fuses and a neutral which used to be fused then out the head through the wall or up the under stairs in vir contained in ye olde conduit.

Morrison utilities on behalf of ukpn are ripping mine out soon & hopefully putting in a nice new cable all free ;)

Canoeboy said:
Anything to do with loom band necklaces ?

I have some for my holidays now and am looking rather good in pink, purples, yellows and greens......

but a friend of my wifes made a handbag from them.....     :eek:

too much time on her hands methinks

Hi Steps! Learn something everyday [about the tails for looped services]!! I got a DID 520 chain for the bike after and a proper DID riviting tool too. I got the fancy model, was £108 but i will never wear it out!!


john, you have too much money,,,,,,

£108 !!!! :eek:     :fainting smilie

DID 520 , spot on, anyone that tells you that it wont last is a snatch merchant that cant

A - change gear

B - look after a chain

C - change gear

usually folks that try to do clutchless gear changes without being able to to them ime.

did you go O ring?

remember and get proper O ring lube, normal stuff will eat the rubber otherwise.

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Hi Steps!!

Yes, agree with EVERYTHING you say..

i got an "O" ring chain as i thought it would be better on a road bike, not able to remove it and bath it in petrol all the time see!! Anyway, yes, as you say, look after a chain properly and it will last for ages.. Up to now i have used Yamaha chain spray, I used it because it was what i had, and as the chains were knackered, what difference does it make..

When i bought my Suzuki the chain was already knackered. I think some one has steam cleaned it, as you can see where rusty stuff is oozing out of the innards of the thing. I did clean the chain, but the rusty stuff came back

I fitted a new EK chain to my CB500 years ago. I just used to wipe it and oil it little and often with plain old gear oil. After 8000 miles i still had not adjusted it once, so i think this is the way to go..

On my XT600 chain, the bike shop had smothered it in commercial chain lube, the black sticky stuff... It works i suppose, but all the road dirt sticks to it..

Just a light oiling i think works best.. just enough to oil the "O" rings and some "boundary lubrication" for the rollers and sprockets..

What you think?? for a road bike now!! not a track bike!!


We use a paste sort of stuff, put it on with a little paint brush.

But, last year we had non left so we're using normal aerosol foam type lube, silkolene, remember and do it after a ride when the chain us hot, as you say, you don't need as much as you think, little and often is the answer. 

Hi sorry for delay, if I thought the weekend was bad! I have just had 2 days of h---

One good thing came out of it it's the main fuse was blown today and the Scottisn power had to come to replace the fuse and he & our spark checked no power going to any other house just mine, and he did not say anything about the meter except these smart meters are good it turned out they both worked together years ago, Anyway we now have no power except for I link from main power all else if off! My friend has let me use her wifi so won't be on line to long, spark is back to morrow to try again.

Its quite..hard to blown the main cutout fuse. I'd be losing confidence in this so called spark by now and looking for someone who has a clue what they are doing.
