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and i thought it was called bang bang testing!
Jeremy and Germima: what a unusual noise it makes,

Corractucas Potts (inventor): its talking to you, all engines talk,

Jeremy and Germima: but whats it saying

Corractucas Potts (inventor): It's saying Chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty,

chitty chitty,

(Bang - Bang)

Bang Bang!

chitty chitty

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang,

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

We love you.

And, in

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

What we'll do.

Near, far, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we'll spend.

Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Our fine four fendered friend.

Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Our fine four fendered friend.

ROTFWLROTFWL] :) :coat :coat:coat

Jeremy and Germima: what a unusual noise it makes,Corractucas Potts (inventor): its talking to you, all engines talk,

Jeremy and Germima: but whats it saying

Corractucas Potts (inventor): It's saying Chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty,

chitty chitty,

(Bang - Bang)

Bang Bang!

chitty chitty

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Oh you pretty Chitty Bang Bang,

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

We love you.

And, in

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

What we'll do.

Near, far, in our motor car Oh what a happy time we'll spend.

Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Our fine four fendered friend.

Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Our fine four fendered friend.

ROTFWLROTFWL] :) :coat :coat:coat
Oh dear............................ :(

Badger's having a Dick-Van-Dyke moment.... :_| :_| :_| :_| :Blushing

I would appreciate knowing what make and type of CU that was, as I came up with a different answer and need to know how that type gets wired. Obviously not all the wiring runs are visible, and the bus bar(s) are concealed.


its a hager board, what do you mean when you say type?

I just guessed that the manufacturer may have made different types over the years, so just something to help look up a data sheet on the internet? I'll do a search for Hager. Thanks.

I would appreciate knowing what make and type of CU that was, as I came up with a different answer and need to know how that type gets wired. Obviously not all the wiring runs are visible, and the bus bar(s) are concealed.TIA
The busbar is split even though it doesn't look it... its a rigid 6+6 split btw, not flexible split;)

I would appreciate knowing what make and type of CU that was, as I came up with a different answer and need to know how that type gets wired. Obviously not all the wiring runs are visible, and the bus bar(s) are concealed.TIA
This is a pretty standard split load board compliant with 16th Edition regs with Main switch on RHS feeding first 6 MBCs to its left with a Live Bus bar fed from the LHS of the Main switch and Nuetral lead from the RHS.

A feed is also taken from this switch and fed to the top of the RCD at the other end which feeds the six MCBs to its right.

The live feed bus bar for these MCBs is taken from the RHS of the bottom of the RCD and the Nuetral from the LHS to the Nuetral bar on its left.

So as you see in the picture the RCD has been connected REVERSE POLARITY.

Ah, thanks! I appreciate your taking the time to help me out. So there is a break in the busbar between the visible tabs, although it is hidden behind the cover. Obviously there must be or there would have been a big bang the first time it was switched on!

And those neutral bars left and right, are they just connected into the bottom of the adjacent RCD/Main Switch using a wire?

Technically it isn't reverse polarity on the incoming to rcd, its the outgoing that is wrond.

This is an old Hagar board, and that RCD has been moved.

It should be (R - L) Main Switch, MCB's, RCD, MCB's.

Hence the L-N Reverse on the RCD supply. Why they swopped it round? Who knows.

See here (second pic down LHS) for new style, but still the same set up as old.

Technically it isn't reverse polarity on the incoming to rcd, its the outgoing that is wrond.This is an old Hagar board, and that RCD has been moved.

It should be (R - L) Main Switch, MCB's, RCD, MCB's.

Hence the L-N Reverse on the RCD supply. Why they swopped it round? Who knows.

See here (second pic down LHS) for new style, but still the same set up as old.
Your pic shows the NEWER Hager board

I think you will find the OP Picture is how the OLD ones were ment to be with solid nuetral bars connected into the end Main switch on one side RCD on the other

This is still the set up with other makes i.e. Steeple range from Denmans

Someone has already beaten me to it, but thats how those boards were, The RCD would be unable to bit in the conventional mid position due to the RCD neutral bar (as mentioned) being a solid copper link out the bottom of the RCD

They are not the best boards, and the newer hager ones are better, but its not been swapped around

...and the newer hager ones are better, but its not been swapped around
Yes it has. The main isolator should be on the far left, RCD on the far right.
