Increase in radio waves .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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I've noticed reference to this more often lately.

Just throwing a few arguments in here.

Obviously we exist within radio waves of many frequencies these days ....which did not exist  120 yrs ago .

Now we read of fears about cell phones ( possibly unfounded  , who knows , given time)   I note they use low power at the handset  which then connects to the nearest mast.

Two things I noticed this week advert from BT  offering the most powerful Wi-Fi ever  around your house .......followed by the roll out of Smart meters  which are transmitting Wi-Fi data  every 15 minutes ...even talk of the leckie meter communicating with the gas meter  and sending off data constantly ...whats that all about ? 

As a personal thing I always connect the computer stuff by cable ......   

Just wondering really .........  and noting how all the youngsters are in constant radio contact with their phones .

I just wonder ................I have a thread on here where we had a set of TPN  X 200A meter tails , on tray between meter and main switch ....but clipped about an inch apart instead of in trefoil .   The electro - magetic field extended 3 metres through a solid block wall and caused interference on computer monitors .

The staff there refused to sit in that area.     We solved it by re- clipping the tails into close formation.

Edit :   Theres a theory that whales beaching themselves is caused by our frequencies interfering with their natural sonar navigation systems . 

So , should we all be wearing Baco foil skull caps ?     

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What a time to discuss this, it's irrelevant if you believe the remain vote for after Thursday this country is going to crash so radio waves will be a non entity as we go into the dark ages?!

Ther biggest issue us a mobile phone stuck to your ear. Everything else is pretty irrelevant.

Re power lines, I recall a program about this where they were surveying a bungalow built directly under a high voltage overhead pylon. the had an EM meter and were going around the house.  They found the highest reading was at the headboard of the bed in the main bedroom and were spouting how bad this was and how nasty this overhead power line was. Then they went round to another room, and there on the other side of the wall to the bed was the meter and CU.  The high reading was from THAT, not the overhead lines, but of coure the didn't mention that little detail.

You have to be CLOSE to a source to even begin to cause concern, hence a moble phone mast (perveived to be bad) is no risk as it's hig up, and th mobile phone itself, although only low power is just mm from your brain, so if anything is bad, that is.

Re power lines, I recall a program about this where they were surveying a bungalow built directly under a high voltage overhead pylon. the had an EM meter and were going around the house.  They found the highest reading was at the headboard of the bed in the main bedroom and were spouting how bad this was and how nasty this overhead power line was. Then they went round to another room, and there on the other side of the wall to the bed was the meter and CU.  The high reading was from THAT, not the overhead lines, but of coure the didn't mention that little detail.

You have to be CLOSE to a source to even begin to cause concern, hence a moble phone mast (perveived to be bad) is no risk as it's hig up, and th mobile phone itself, although only low power is just mm from your brain, so if anything is bad, that is.

When I did this job shielding electro magnetic waves was the last thing on my mind.


What we should have done was interleave the cables to mitigate EM. Somehow I think had I specified this the lads would have found a painful alternate use for 500mm² singles.


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Two points i will add...

One, I had one of them motorola 4800X transportable phones years ago. In the instruction manual from the makers, in the section on safety precautions, it tells you that you must NOT operate the thing with the antenna closer than 8" i think it was, to your body..... When they brought out the ones that operated exactly the same, but were clamped to your head, they seemed to have forgotten their own safety instructions..

Two, I knew a fellow a few years ago that was an ex-RAF radar engineer. He claimed in no uncertain terms that mobile phones were dangerous and flatly refused to have one.. He said that the radio waves were not much different from the ones the radars put out, and that, although the radars were somewhat more powerful, that birds would fly in front of them and fall out of the sky!!!

I myself have been on MOD ships and round where there antenna were, there was a big yellow circle and i think, a red one too?? Anyway, there was a sign that promised dire consequences if you went inside these circles....

Very safe...

