Installation Cert For A Tt System

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
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 Not sure what not to fill in as never done a tt test cert do I have to record just the electrode resistance ra? what about ze etc is that filled in n/a?

 Not sure what not to fill in as never done a tt test cert do I have to record just the electrode resistance ra? what about ze etc is that filled in n/a?
maybe ask your new boss how you should complete an EIC? or did you lie to him and say you were a competent electrician?

 Not sure what not to fill in as never done a tt test cert do I have to record just the electrode resistance ra? what about ze etc is that filled in n/a?

If ever in doubt you can always use this formula....

( Date x Month x Day_Of_Week x Time ) / Year


 Day of week is Sun=1, Mon = 2, Tue = 3, Wed = 4, Thu = 5, Fri = 6, Sat = 7

 Time is in decimal rounded to the nearest quarter..

So if you were filling in your cert at 16:35 on Fri, 10 May 2013..

(5 x 10 x 6 x 16.5)/2013 =  2.45901   round to two decimal places..

So you answer is 2.46..

Just write that value in all the boxes you don't understand...

Looks good..

and the customer will never know you are incompetent!!



 Not sure what not to fill in as never done a tt test cert do I have to record just the electrode resistance ra? what about ze etc is that filled in n/a?

Your question does not state if you are referring to an "Electrical Installation certificate" or a "Minor Electrical Installation Works certificate"?  Taking the minor one first, looking at the model form on page 393 of the current regs book the only item relating to TT is a tick box, So you would tick it. All other items remain the same as other installations. Looking at the "Electrical Installation certificate" on pages 390 & 391, the details on page 390 are common to all installations, on page 391 there is a tick box for TT under earthing arrangements, There is a tick box for means of earthing, there is a box for Details of the earth electrode, All other details are common to all types of installation. Every single electrical installation will have an external earth fault loop path Ze but not all installations will have an earth electrode RA. Definitions in Part 2 of the regulations describes what each one is, Chapter 10 of the On site guide gives guidance on how to tests installations. Or Guidance note 3 also refers. I have to be honest and admit that I am at a loss to know what part you are struggling to understand? You do have an exceptionally higher than average level of very basic questions posted on the forum. May I ask, have you got any regulations books? and have you passed any city & guilds courses? As these items are normally covered as part of the course or can be very easily checked in the book whilst on site.   

Doc H.

Im guessing RB is a student? and this is an exam question? because to find yourself working on an installation and not understand the basic principles of that installation is frightening.

I'm sorry to say and I may be wrong, but the more I read your posts the more I'm believing that you are no more than a chancer. As others have said your knowledge or lack thereof is beyond belief. How do you sleep at night? Do you have no conscience that every day you go to work, falsely or so it seems as an electrician, you may be putting people in the way of danger rather than making them safer?

I would truly suggest that you shadow a more experienced electrician then perhaps enrol on some courses. You seem to have a lack of understanding for the basics with which our trade is based upon.

I urge you to stop and come clean to your employer.

Im guessing RB is a student? and this is an exam question? because to find yourself working on an installation and not understand the basic principles of that installation is frightening.

Previous threads imply rb is working as an employee, often alone on real customer sites. Unless they are all story telling. But they all show a distinct lack of fundamental knowledge required for safe working on live installations. 

Doc H.

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