Installing Intruder Alarms

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Nov 30, 2008
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Evening gents,

sort of a follow on from prodaves thread about more strings to the bow so to speak.

ive recently installed a couple of alarms, 1 in my house and 1 in the in laws. i found it quite easy and enjoyed it and wonder if i could maybe advertise it or is there a scam or similar that you need, to be able do alarms properly?

still pretty busy but never know for how long so could maybe keep me going for a bit longer.

thanks for advice in advance

cheers wayne

also SSAIB.

unless your reg'd with one of them, you wont be able to install monitored alarms. and probably not get much commercial work

but for basic domestic (non-monitored), you dont need to be scam reg'd (unless customer requests it)

Make sure you are covered with insurance, simply installing what you think is a fully functional system will noy cut any weight with insurance companies who will insist that all alarms fitted for purpose of insurance compliance must be fitted to the relevant BS standards. For instance I would expect a DI to be insured for at least

Hi Monkey5,

Yes, you should tell your public liability insurer that you'll be installing alarms because although I would advise a customer not to even tell their insurance company that they have an alarm, they could do at any time and if they're burgled and the alarm doesn't go off, might seek compensation from you.

BTW you could offer an autodialler option so the alarm will ring the owner/key-holder etc. Arguably more reliable than police response anyway.

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Make sure you are covered with insurance, simply installing what you think is a fully functional system will noy cut any weight with insurance companies who will insist that all alarms fitted for purpose of insurance compliance must be fitted to the relevant BS standards. For instance I would expect a DI to be insured for at least

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