I remember one large haulage firm near me, they had their own plumber, bricky, joiner, plumber, and a couple of sparks, they got a new senior manager who decided to get rid of them all and outsource the work, it cost a small fortune in redundancy payments, then the fun really began, he wanted to use a firm he knew to do the maintenance, no doubt he was going to take a backhander! However, it was down to the contracts manager to decide who got the work, I ended up with the contract for the electrical work and it turned into a nightmare, this senior manager found fault with everything anyone did.
One day I was partway through a job and had to nip to the wholesalers for some kit, even though my tools were still at the location I was working at, he rang the contracts manager and told him I'd finished the job and left without cleaning up! In the end after several incidents I told them to shove the work, it wasn't worth the aggro, he alienated every tradesman who went on the site. Eventually he got his people in and they were terrible, the work was of a very poor standard, but the price was high, this happens with a lot of firms, one firm I worked for were known for being expensive, they got the contract to do a load of work for a firm even though they were about 10 grand dearer than any of the others who'd quoted for the work. Apparently, they got the work as the guy issuing the contracts wanted a conservatory on his house, and surprise surprise, shortly after we started the work a number of our lads ended up building him a conservatory, apparently it was a thank you gift for awarding us the contract for the work, still at least we know how come they got the job despite being ten grand dearer, don't we.