fpmsl. you better tell the developers there doing it wrong then ROTFWLI dont know where that graph thing is from but its incorrect.is it an app you have downloaded?
I see Apple as the geek in the corner with no friends. I won an ipod and that is the only reason I have one. I downloaded a few songs in itunes, but you can't get them out of there. If I pay money for a song i want an mp3 file I can burn to as many discs as I want or play through any media player. Like the iphone not allowing flash.Windows shmindows. Absolute rubbish. Anything Apple gives you ultimate stability and reliability. Windows is the most unstable, slow and painful thing ever created. Apple is a global brand with incredible strength and loveability - a name synonymous with quality. Still, horses for course as has been said.
Hardly... My iPhone 3G got repaired under warranty 3 times, despite me babying it the whole time! Towards the end of my contract it freezing or dropping calls.Anything Apple gives you ultimate stability and reliability.