Is it me, surely I am not the only one

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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
I am sure I can't be the only one

i am  seriously getting peed off with the bloody McDonalds adverts showing all the cretins  creaming their pants because they can now buy Shytte in a bun

or the building societies and Banks extolling their virtues in these troubled times...obviously not making any money out of it

Purple bricks being the official,estate agents of the Olympics WTAF is one of those 

celebs begging for money fr random charities!'s a thought get YOUR hand down and stump up

theatres saying how they are struggling! Whipoopmde whooping whoo....were all struggling

fair makes my urine each 100°C


Re McDonald’s advert it can’t possibly be true, I’ve never seen an old couple get exited over a McDonald’s like they portray. 
still soon the adverts will only be available after 9pm so Boris either thinks the olds need fattening up or that they just aren’t interested :C  

as for the Banks, they’ve never been so friendly it reminds me of the US and British  armies at war - friendly fire leads to a misconception that we’re on the same side. 

just a note on them, apparently after giving you a 3month no debt accumulating holiday period due to coronavirus they have come up with a genius money making scheme. Your options are, pay the 3 months arrears of in full in one payment, an option that many can’t immediately afford given they’ve only just returned to work and resuming some sort of income, Or add 3 months to the term to which additional interest will be applied. 

this goes against everything that the government / Boris told us in March when announcing lockdown, something along the lines of ‘ no one will be out of pocket due to the virus’   ?:|

so the banks win again. Some corrupt world we live in. 

" We are all in this together. We are here if you need us " but we are also going to dry ream you at every opportunity.. bunch of shysters, the lot of them

on a tangent.   morrisons being the saviour of mankind and the farming industry selling wonky veg!    They are in the group that refused to sell it in the first place causing all the wastage ..    sorry madam you cannot be allowed to see that banana , never mind purchase it, as it has the wrong dangle angle. You MUST only be offered this "perfect item"


Its not just you Kerch ,  I keep seeing ads that say stuff like  ....Oh  some go on & on first before saying who they actually  are  ....along the lines of ....  " We are still here , fighting your corner  in these difficult times ,  looking out for you,   all pulling together ....Blaaaargh   " etc etc.... finger down throat ...sickly sweet   piles of verbal  liquid poo  .        Right at the end its a Building Society or the AA  .   
