Isolating Tx

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the idea behind these things Marvo is that they do actually push some EM down the mains cables,

so, seems like thats just more snake oil too then,  :C

maybe I'll just get some LED lamps, they messed up Apaches radio reception, so maybe they will work for my rodents,  :)
I have my doubts this would be legal but I'll certainly stand to be corrected. I assume the UK has directives similar to ISO61000 and FCC regs for RF emissions.Problem is also even if it is supposed to send EM emissions into the supply cabling the isolating Tx will still be a bad idea because it will render it ineffective.

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if you dont have anyone to write too no point in starting the letter........

then again, why do did we have a nuclear deterrent.?

why do we have anti terrorism polis?

why do we bother with passports?

why do ,,,,,,,,,

you get the idea,

just because your not paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get you.

I have my doubts this would be legal but I'll certainly stand to be corrected. I assume the UK has directives similar to ISO61000 and FCC regs for RF emissions.

Problem is also even if it is supposed to send EM emissions into the supply cabling the isolating Tx will still be a bad idea because it will render it ineffective.
I dont want the EM to get back into the house,

Guinea pigs in there, I just want the EM in the shed,

seems like its not the best idea in the world anyway,,,,,,,,,

I can sell you an EMC filter to fit to the supply to the shed. That will stop anything getting back.

Buy a cat. Nope that doesn't work, our cat can't get into the loft.

The only thing that DOES work is poison.

Mice don't bother me too much, but when we get a RAT in the compost heap, then the poison has to go down.

They don't work. I have a similar one in the garage. I regularly top up the 4 mouse poison stations, one 100mm away from the thing. I did find a dead mouse about a foot away once, although j recon it was the poison and not the unit that killed it. 99.9% of the write ups i have read say these things dont work.

Cannot be bothered to type out all the details, but i think it is well known that the RSPCA are just a money raising scam. Before they try to sue me, go ahead, and see how it looks when people read in the papers how many tens of thousands of animals the RSPCA kill each year.

Apart from that, i DO agree absolutely that drowning things is cruel, but cannot understand all this crap about "qualified" to shoot something, absolutely no such law whatsoever....

Is a vet "qualified" to kill something??? legally i doubt it, no more so than a doctor is "qualified" to kill you!!!! cos there is no such law...

I think the only people that are required to be quailfied to kill something are licenced slaughter men in abatoirs

Anyway, if it were illegal to kill things, why are not mouse trap factory owners charged with "conspiring to commit offences" and best of all. [oh yes, i saved the best for last] If it is illegal for people who are not "pest control experts!!!" to kill things,, then go on RSPCA, set a legal precedent, go on, i dare you!!! instead of pretending you are policemen and trying to sue pensioners looking after their gardens, i read in the papers a few months ago that the royal lot [i will help you by giving you their address, one, buckingham palace, were CONSPIRING TO KILL DEER as well as numerous birds!!!!! NONE of them are "qualified" pest control experts either!!!!!!

Go on RSPCA, instead of pensioners, take them to court!!!!!


I still have an air rifle! ;)

I believe Apache has something a little more powerful, but An air rifle is allI have...

Weihrauch HW77-K, with a silencer & zoom 'scope.

Don't get much chance to use it these days.


You are pretty much correct that you don't need any qualifications to shoot anything  - rightly so. The issue comes when things are done badly and through someone ineptitude an animal suffers. As a vet we are immune to holding a slaughter licence because we should know how to do things quickly and properly.

Drowning is NEVER the method of choice.

Shooting is great and we use an air rifle to dispatch rats in cage traps. You could argue that a blow to the back of the head was humane, but if you decided to kill a fox by that method and had to hit it 20 times to kill it do you think that would be humane?

The situation may dictate the means (an insensitive, but living deer that had been hit by a car you may cut its throat with a knife, that would never be humane if it was fully awake and had antlers entangled in a fence).

Even a vet could be prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering if they prolonged an animals suffering.

Hey Noz,

You could always see if you could get the club to buy you an air rifle!!! When i was younger i had a BSA Airsporter, lovely it was!! Shot loads of squirrels with it too!! [sorry God!]

Its alright,,, we'll just get the cannons out ;)

Yes, we do actually have working cannons and a firearms licence for them

I used to have a firearm cert and a shotgun cert many years ago!! All banned now though...well, everything i had, apart from the shotgun is....

I had a thing called a Baikal 628 [An O/U12 bore]

A Ruger super single six. [A single action 22 revolver]

A Ruger super blackhawk [A 44 magnum single action revolver]

A Smith & Wesson mod 27 [A VERY nice .38/357 magnum long barreled [8 3/8"] revolver, [same as the thing "dirty Harry" had, but in 38/357 instead]

A thing called a "caspian arms" stainless colt 1911 copy in 45 ACP [A PROPER piece of crap, worst thing i ever bought....] [ever]


Hi Apache,

Agree 1000%!!!

What you vets allowed to have now?? 38 revolvers and/or a 9mm pistol i believe?? What sort of things you allowed to dispatch with them?? Either is a bit marginal i would have thought..

What is the idea of this anyway?? to allow you to dispatch things that would be a bit dangerous to get up close to i suppose?? something thrashing around perhaps??

I know a fellow that shot a horse with a 308Win, [he has an open cert] It certainly did the job, but i would not be sure of the legalities of this. Ok i would have thought; If you can shoot deer with a 243 then a 308 would be more than sufficient from a ballistic viewpoint, but not something i would choose to do unless an emergency. [i suspect the courts suffer from "bambi complex"]

Can i just state here that i shot all kind of things years ago, from butterflies with a 12 bore, upwards. Now though, i have no problem with what others choose to do, but speaking for myself, i would not shoot anything for fun now. To be honest, i regret what i did when i was younger. Not having a dig at anyone that DOES what to shoot stuff, just saying i would not care to anymore

Much preferred fiddling with handloads and paper punching!!!! Still, each to their own...

Now then, Noz!!!!!! We NEEEEEEEDDDDDD to know about the cannons!!!! a dimensioned working drawing would be cool!!!! [Oh god what am i saying!!!!]


I had a custom made air rifle, I made it myself but fell foul of the firearms act as it came under a class 1 licence. I also had a 5 shot single barrel shotgun all now gone.

The best I have ever used is the lee enfield 303 a really good rifle, after that probably the original SLR.

I had a custom made air rifle, I made it myself but fell foul of the firearms act as it came under a class 1 licence. I also had a 5 shot single barrel shotgun all now gone.

The best I have ever used is the lee enfield 303 a really good rifle, after that probably the original SLR.
 best not mention the SA80,  :slap

It was carp when it came out and as far as I am concerned carp now. In fact the SLR proved itself in all conditions yet the SA80 started to jam in the first instance of frost and sand.


We have a couple of .32 single shot pistols in the practice. More than capable of killing the biggest bull if you use the right ammo and shoot them in the right place!

Also have a captive bolt under the seat of my car.

Have used 12G shotguns to shoot cattle. I do have my .308 conditioned for use slaughtering animals in my duties as a veterinary surgeon (the reason was for a ferral horse, but we do sometimes have to deal with walking wounded deer). I've never used the .308 for that.

Have shot a couple of cows with a simple .22RF.

Quite fancy a .410 shot pistol........

Hi Apache,

Is not a bulls head rather thick and bullet proof!! Would have to be a 357 with solids for me!! Thinking on it, having seen bulls performing once or twice [No..Not THAT sort of performing] i think the 308 from 50 yards might be better!!!

I would like a 410 shot pistol!!! always liked the idea of a 410, but never had one.. Anyway, Thompson Center used to do a single shot pistol thingy called a "Contender" with interchangable barrels. They used to do a barrel for it chambered for 45 long colt and 410 shotshells too. I always fancied a Remington XP100 too!!

I could always make a 410 pistol, but as i have not got an FAC anymore [can you still have a short barrelled shotgun on one?] i do not fancy the resultant 5 years in jail!!

