I've never understood

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Junior Member
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Nr Wigan
Why is it that some join a forum aggresively demand information but never have any intention of sticking around to put anything back
The recent gland thread is one example he would have got his answer and been on his way and if he had got an answer that was wrong no doubt the only time he would of been back would to berrate those who offered advice
Agree 100%

And then there are the ones who ask questions but ignore us when we ask for clarity …

And then there are the few who come back, update us and in most cases thank people
The crazy thing is putting that gland together correctly could easily be figured out.
There is a lot of "unanswered/crazy" things on all forums.
The one that puzzles me most, is those that join, and NEVER post anything, but they do show as being a recent visitor.
Not to mention those that ask, (Sometimes over several posts) get the answer (again, sometimes over several posts) but NEVER say thanks or even "It worked"