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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Someone phoned me today asking if they should have all their heating pipes bonded across under the boiler, they had seen it at another house.

I remember it being a Gorgi thing, and then was told they don't bother anymore .

Anyone know anything about it ?

Hi Evvo. If the boiler is sited in a bathroom then the Supp bonding may [or may not] be required.

If Supp bonding is not required by Bs 7671 then the boiler manufacturers instructions require looking at....if they dont require it then there is no reason to install it.


Cross bonding has always been a contention of mine, it was required by letter of "law" in the 16th edition and indeed the 15th, but as the boiler pipes were almost always connected to a yoke they are connected anyway.

If the boiler is installed in a property that is wired to any earlier edition I would bond them, or at least take a measurement to see if its required.

If they want to pay then just do the job and get paid.

I could never see the point myself, Greeny, as you say , they are nearly always connected to common manifold. I'll fit them for him and get paid ,as you say, now that the Pope has gone I can get to that area.

I believe it used to be a requirement to cross bond pipes at the boiler in the days before it could be guaranteed that the pipes were electrically continuous. At some point in the past (sorry, don't know when) the British Standards which cover the Design and Construction of gas boilers for use in the UK were updated to require that all the pipes should be electrically continuous, thus doing away with the bonding requirement. Many 'old hands' still do it though!
