Just given up trying to kill the wife.

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera
For the last 6 months our vacuum cleaner has had a damaged lead, only the sheath and insulation on the neutral damaged so I've been taping it up with vulcanising tape,,, but eventually even that didn't stay good for long;)

Today I decided that I'd fix it so I stripped it down and shortened the lead:)

Surely quicker and cheaper to get a brush, will save money on electricity and keep her busy.

The Victorian trick was old wet tea leaves. Spread them over the

carpet, allow them to pick up the dirt, sweep up afterwards. Job's

a good un'.

I must get around to fixing the dodgy lead on my electric drill some time soon. Will be embarrassing if it fails in use in a customers house. It's only the earth core showing through the split outer sheath.

They say electricians have the worst wiring in their own houses.

I think my wife had to nag me for nearly 2 years to put an extra socket in the hall, after we re arranged things and the grandfather clock now covers the only socket there.

i have cabinet lights that dont work

and base unit lights that dont work

