Kitchen Downlighters

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Customer has fault on kitchen downlights. They are standard mains GU10s. 2 out of 6 are working and the fault occured when he had new bathroom installed directly above. Bathroom floor has been boarded and tiled so no access from above so gonna have to find the fault from below.

Is the best way to tackle this to see whether they have voltage getting to the fittings. Im pretty sure a connection has come loose in one of the many JBs hidden above the ceiling.

If theres no voltage getting to fittings is it allowed to nick the feed from the downlights which are working using wago connectors inside a wagobox or crimp them and enclose crimps in suitable enclosure?

I know this is basic stuff but am not 100% sure so thats why im asking?

Thanks in advance for any help with this one


Hi M4tty

had a similar problem a couple of weeks back . None was working as there was a bang when the switch was closed . I isolated the circuit and dropped each fitting from the ceiling 6 in total found the fault very quickly . heat damage to the insulation causing the conductors to touch and then short out . After checking the other connections no other damage was found . I made good the damage cable and a I R test confirmed the circuit healthy again . All lights on customer happy . You mentioned the customer had a new bathroom fitted directly above the room with the lighting problem . It is likely that the floor has been lifted to gain access to services for the bathroom and by doing so has disturbed the connections . You should be able to pull the fittings from the ceiling and examine the connection to each fitting . Isolate the circuit and do a continuity test between each fitting . If you spot heat damage then I'd do an IR too . :coffee

Can be a nightmare getting to cables if the floor can't come up. At least you have half a chance pulling in cables via the holes in the ceiling where the down lighters usually are . My rods came in useful that day too . :)
