Late payments

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

I was just looking for some standard wording that you put on your invoice to state that 'terms of credit are strictly 30 days .....' and want to add the late payment charges and interest but not too sure what's allowed.

Any info appreciated


Here's what I put on my invoices:


All work undertaken, and goods supplied remain the property of ******, until paid for in full by the customer. In the event of non payment, I reserve the right to take possession of all items supplied. This includes but is not limited to all items and materials incorporated into the fixed wiring installation of any property.


******* do not offer credit terms. It is expected that payment will be made in full within a reasonable time of an invoice being issued. A reasonable time in this context is 30 days from the invoice date.

If you fail to make payment within 30 days of the invoice date, I reserve the right to charge interest at 4% above the Bank of England base rate until the invoice is settled.

If you fail to make payment within 30 days, I reserve the right to take any necessary means to recover the invoice value, plus interest as described above, by any means including, but not limited to the small claims court or passing the debt to a debt collection agency. Any such costs associated with recovering the debt will be recovered along with the original invoice amount.

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Do you have any room left for the actual money they owe!!!!!!!!!!!

All work undertaken, and goods supplied remain the property of ******, until paid for in full by the customer. In the event of non payment, I reserve the right to take possession of all items supplied. This includes but is not limited to all items and materials incorporated into the fixed wiring installation of any property.
Dave although this sounds good in theory, in practice its a different matter.

About 5 years ago I had not been paid after 3 months for an installation that was completed, the property was still empty so I decided getting something back was better than nothing, and as I had what you also put I decided to take a trip and recover what I could of the 2nd Fix.

The accessories were Forbes & Lomax brushed stainless so worth getting back.

I arrived just after 8am and started disconnecting the fuseboard, at this point a voice behind me said what are you up to then, I turned round to see a couple of policeman staring at me.

I explained my situation and that my terms and conditions said I had the right to recover my goods, however they were not interested saying, but first you must have consent to enter the property which we understand you don't have.

They were very understanding and said that if I walked away they would leave it at that, but if I continued they would have to arrest me, head down I had to leave.

So unless you can get consent to enter in order to recover, it will be difficult unless you can get it back without getting rumbled.

Not sure how you would do it legally through court, but it would take time and money.

I had already applied for a winding up order, but was informed the company already had at least two in place, so no hope.

Did you have a key steve or did you break in lol. Thanks for sharing that. This has been discussed on here before and your right that youd have to be sly in getting stuff back without them noticing :) wonder who called the old bill tho.

Did you have a key steve or did you break in lol. Thanks for sharing that. This has been discussed on here before and your right that youd have to be sly in getting stuff back without them noticing :) wonder who called the old bill tho.
I did not break in technically, I opened the front door with a bit of 2.5 T&E through the letterbox, haha.

The house opposite knew the site had shut down so phoned the police, my van was not sign written at the time as I had just changed it.

I lost 5K and with legal costs that was a total waste of time it totalled 7K, offered 10p in the

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Yes I was always led to believe that you can't go into a property and retrieve material not paid for. Edit; Legally.

I did read once in an ECA article that if your invoice stipulates 30 days , those are the terms operating, but the customer writes back with their terms ,say 90 days then those become the terms, This can go on and on I suppose.

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Back in the day, somebody that I know was asked to go to a site early doors ...about 4 in the a.m.

somebody that I know was to meet big Vinnie and Big Verne [names changed to protect everyone]

somebody that I know, arrived on site, parked next to a huge mobile crane and 2 gorillas

Somebody that I know asked the 2 gorillas as to their purpose in this operetta, the one that could speak said something like...'we is 'ere to protect you as you is the sparky man and our boss wants his machines out'...nuff said.

Crane battery-rammed the doors, somebody that I know disc'd the machines. and went home... :coat

Back in the day, somebody that I know was asked to go to a site early doors ...about 4 in the a.m.somebody that I know was to meet big Vinnie and Big Verne [names changed to protect everyone]

somebody that I know, arrived on site, parked next to a huge mobile crane and 2 gorillas

Somebody that I know asked the 2 gorillas as to their purpose in this operetta, the one that could speak said something like...'we is 'ere to protect you as you is the sparky man and our boss wants his machines out'...nuff said.

Crane battery-rammed the doors, somebody that I know disc'd the machines. and went home... :coat
Haven't got their phone number handy, have you?

Dave although this sounds good in theory, in practice its a different matter.
you cannot just go in and take them (would be nice though)

IIRC, if a company does go bust though, you can go to administrator / court and get premission to take them though


I have been sent on a few jobs like that myself,

the man that pays the money is the man that calls the tune, Im only yet another worker.

Ive actually walked out of a job after disconnecting only to be met with the polis waiting to secure the premises as they had been called to a break-in,

they didnt want to get involved so simply secured after we left. :|

Back in the day, somebody that I know was asked to go to a site early doors ...about 4 in the a.m.somebody that I know was to meet big Vinnie and Big Verne [names changed to protect everyone]

somebody that I know, arrived on site, parked next to a huge mobile crane and 2 gorillas

Somebody that I know asked the 2 gorillas as to their purpose in this operetta, the one that could speak said something like...'we is 'ere to protect you as you is the sparky man and our boss wants his machines out'...nuff said.

Crane battery-rammed the doors, somebody that I know disc'd the machines. and went home... :coat
Somebody that I know posted a similar thread on this very Forum.

Been there, done that and it aint easy at all, for the liquidator you must have serial numbers of all items supplied and a note on your invoice that if not paid title does not pass and goods remain yours, even then it takes a huge amount of time and letter to get the kit back from the liquidator.....
id like to see the 'serial number' on a double socket

Dave although this sounds good in theory, in practice its a different matter.......

So unless you can get consent to enter in order to recover, it will be difficult unless you can get it back without getting rumbled.

Not sure how you would do it legally through court, but it would take time and money.

I had already applied for a winding up order, but was informed the company already had at least two in place, so no hope.
No I don't expect in the event of a dispute the be able to march in and rip out all the stuff I have put in.

BUT it serves two purposes. One it gives the impression I might be able to do that, so might be a factor in persuading someone to pay, and secondly if it ever goes to court, I have made clear that I retain title to the goods until paid for.

All this is printed on the back of my invoices, with a note on the front to refer to the conditions printed on the back.

The best way to speed up payment is to factor in say +2.5% to your price, then on invoice say "If payment is made within 30 days deduct 2.5% settlement" just like most wholesalers.

I don't do it but a plumbing firm I know operate this way and they say it hardly ever fails, and when it does they gain 2.5% for the trouble.

I am tempted to operate this method but I think it will make my vat very complicated.
