Am I ok swapping a light fitting
Legally you are perfectly ok to do DIY electrical work. However although at its simplest level a light fitting only needs 1x Live wire(Red or brown), 1x Neutral wire(Black or Blue) and 1x Earth wire(Green/yellow), wired into a three terminal connector block. In reality somewhere there also needs to be a switch to turn the lamp off or on, so what you then have is Live supply (in then out to switch), Switched live back from the light switch, Neutral and Earth. Which is four connections that generally don't fit into the pathetically small connector block that came with the light fitting. To compound this problem of getting all the wires into the connectors that were supplied with the lights, the circuit is often looped from room to room at the light fittings, so your light fitting may have the following:-
1/ Live from fuse box + Live to switch + Live to next light in the circuit: (3x Lives into permanent live connection)
2/ Live back from switch + Live to lamp: (2x Switched live connections)
3/ Neutral From fuse box + Neutral to lamp + Neutral to next light in circuits: (3x Neutrals into neutral connection)
4/ Earth from fuse box + Earth to switch + Earth to next light in circuit: (3x Earths into Earth connection)
So if it is easy it may be just 3 wires, or it could be 11, (or more), wires you need to connect up. If you do get it wrong you could trip the fuse, or stop other lights further down the circuit from working. It can be done as a DIY task if a sensible systematic approach is taken, but also if an over confident gung-ho approach is taken electricity will kill a healthy adult very quickly. If in doubt don't, but if you do, take lots of before, during and after photos in case a need to fix this problem occurs!
Doc H