Hi I'm a newbee... and i need help!...lol.. I have some basic electical understanding... I am trying to light my backyard above ground pool.. I have lights that are "supposedly water tight" ( I'm skeptical... they are 12V ) not sure of the wattage.. maybe 20 to 40 watts. I have a 12V / 200W transformer used for outdoor lighting... however the sticker on it says NOT for use with under water equipment... so I'm wondering... is there a device...or simple circuit I can build.. that will isolate the transformer in some way? Or... is there a way to maybe hook a few 12V car batteries up to the lights, and to a charger... so the lights will run safely, and will always remain charged? Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated... I don't want to electrocute myself in the pool.
Imacman, Newfoundland Canada
Imacman, Newfoundland Canada