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retired and loving it!
Supporting Member
May 7, 2008
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Sunny Plymouth
"Tory MP Tim Yeo once said cutting low-carbon funds would be like 'cutting the budget for Spitfires in 1939' "

OK moaning over, time for action. I've e-mailed my local MP pointing out destruction of industry, loss of employment training opportunitys for youg people and ridiculous nature of 6 week deadline. How about you all have a go too. we shall fight hem on the beaches etc etc.. :Salute :Salute

as i understand it.....

The EU put aside subsidies for solar power for European countries

France and Germany used theirs up and now there are no new solar installs

we however have still got about 12 months left before it runs for us...

I may not have got this completly correct so dont shoot me

Its not the UK at fault.

now you have started me on this subject..............

I hate all these people who complain about wind turbines going up in their area.....

do they not understand we are being held to ransom by the utility companies because they need to buy it in from other countries

wake up.......

Think also about the infrasound from the wind turbines, just like mobile phone radiation the affects of infrasound on the human body are as yet unproven.

BTW don't shoot the messenger, i was just involved with some investigations a while ago!

So, as I understand it, the Government may be about to reduce/remove the subsidy on a technology which fundamentally doesn't work (at the moment at least).

Why would I want to campaign against this?

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:24 ----------

Wind turbines are an abomination on the British countryside.
I agree. The only thing in their favour is that if one falls over, I can visualise the damage. I live downwind of Sellafield, if that falls over.....................................

build the power stations,

shoulda been going nuclear about 20years ago,

typical UK, way behind as usual.

we are de-commisioning while everybody else is building.....

I done one last friday, and the guys electric meter now reads less than it did when we installed it!!!

so he is currently generating more than he is using.

I know its been good weather for PV, but if that is a normal 4kW domestic install then there must be something there,!?


I do agree with Riggy and Apache, its not a solution, IMHO, there are more cost effective methods of doing this, I think.

It is part of a solution.

However, it is not just Gov't bribes, the rest of the EU have had the bribes to buck up their industry and reduce their energy consumption as Theo suggests, why should we not have the same.


It is about time we took on the rest of the EU on their grounds and cheat, lie and swindle ourselves work just like they do.

It is about time we took on the rest of the EU on their grounds and cheat, lie and swindle ourselves work just like they do.
Now that I do agree with!

Every other EU country passes the laws, shrugs it's collective shoulders and carries on regardless, collecting as many subsidies as possible along the way.

Have you also pointed out the inflated bills for those that cant afford PV, but have to pay for it?
still cheaper than building power stations, which would also have to come out of everyones pocket.

The age of cheap energy is over, demand is growing, resources diminishing, but the sun has a few billion years left in it. I do think the approach is slightly flawed in that lack of investment is not binging down cost of panels suficiently fast. Technology like 'amorphous thin film' needs to be brought on line quicker and generation needs to be designed into buildings from day one. Not sure where I saw it but loved the picture of some workers rolling out sticky backed thin film PV system on a new factory roof. Likewise buildings incorporating better insulation, natural ventilation, natural heat capture (have a look at 'Trombe walls' a really old idea) and the whole passive heating/cooling concepts need to become 'the norm' for new houses.

I defy anyone to deny that global warming is happening - just look at the extremes of weather, flooding and odd seasons we get now. Carbon reduction even if by slightly dubious PV panels has to happen, and needs to happen now. And no I'm not a tree hugger, I am an enginner with a very practical view of the world.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:12 ---------- Previous post was made at 23:05 ----------

Wind turbines are an abomination on the British countryside.
I like wind turbines, but do think the trend to ever bigger units isn't good. Very little of the countryside is actually natural, fields are man made and so are quaint little cottages. Dartmoor, near where I live is man made waste land (hangover from tin mining). Some parts of it are starting to regrow the trees that it should be covered in, and I really like these parts. As for wind turbines, part of what I like about them is that are a very visual reminder of our demands for energy. Makes people more aware of ther own behaviour (hopefully).

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was made at 23:12 ----------

ROI (ignoring government bribes)?
But that doesn't mean it doesn't work, it's just not cost effective. One of the great knock-on effects of the sudsidies is that it has encouraged immense investment is PV production, which in turn has seriously reduced cost of materials, which in turn will eventually make the technology cost effective without subsidies. Same as how LED lighting is dropping in price, though admittedly not as fast.

I defy anyone to deny that global warming is happening - just look at the extremes of weather, flooding and odd seasons we get now.
theres is no gobal warming, the romans had vineyards up nr york so we must be colder than the past despite the industrial revolution.

when I was kid "tomorrows world" was always banging on about gobal cooling & a new ice age.

"Green" is just another tax stick to beat you with,

I defy anyone to deny that global warming is happening - just look at the extremes of weather, flooding and odd seasons we get now. Carbon reduction even if by slightly dubious PV panels has to happen, and needs to happen now. And no I'm not a tree hugger, I am an enginner with a very practical view of the world.
The earth has cycled in terms of temperature long before man has any influence - we have had tropical ferns and solid ice on this little island of ours. I actually think mans influence on things is overstated. That said if you were really bothered about CO2 then nuclear power produces none! It's only when we release carbon that is trapped in stores that we release it (burning hydrocarbons).

IF global warming worked in the over-simplistic way they tried to brainwash us with as school (CO2 trapping heat) then we wouldn't have had the winter we just had! Minus 15

Global warming and climate change is the same thing.......

we are just coming out of an ice age......

why is Europe so concerned with this when China and the US dont do anything about CO2 ?????? because its a con

the hole in the ozone layer ???????? that they paniced about ?????? its always been there just increases and decreases over time.

more rants later !!!!

In my experience MP's are a waste of time, I arranged an appointment with mine in 1994 and despite many calls over the next few months I am still waiting. They are too busy working out how to fiddle their expenses and engineer ways around the new rules, how to line their's and there familys' pockets through their contacts and inside knowledge, travelling the world at taxpayers expense on fruitless so-called research', sh*gg**g their mistresses and misters and lying to the general public.
