Looking for Some Ideas

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
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Busy doing a factory Installation, Landlord has let in the new tennant early over the weekend he installed his Cat5 and CCTV cameras.

Problem is the electrical installation is not yet compleate and he ran all the cables grouped together (CCTV is shotgun with 2c flex). Down the factory cable ties to the water and gas pipes.

Looked above the suspended and he has also cable tied them to the nece new fire alarm.

Haw do i proceed with this called NIC today and was told 'someone needs to move some cables then'

Busy doing a factory Installation, Landlord has let in the new tennant early over the weekend he installed his Cat5 and CCTV cameras.Problem is the electrical installation is not yet compleate and he ran all the cables grouped together (CCTV is shotgun with 2c flex). Down the factory cable ties to the water and gas pipes.

Looked above the suspended and he has also cable tied them to the nece new fire alarm.

Haw do i proceed with this called NIC today and was told 'someone needs to move some cables then'
Sounds normal for computer geeks

Inform the landlord

Yea complicated really I sub for the landlord and am also the QS for them

Spoke to them and was told tennant has signed 15 year lease @ 17k/year

Just deal with itheadbang

Not very happy it is work that i have not quoted but have a 5 year contract with this company so will have to bite the bullet....

Can just feel that the next job for them will be +- 2K heavier for the trouble. ROTFWL

Did a load of trunking for a photocentre, loads of sockets, put in boxes for all the network points, etc. The network geek came in to run his cables and just seemed really stuck up and wouldnt install a bit of conduit for a couple of his cables(which I thought was his job). I ended up having to sort a way of getting his cables to the required location. Did it but was a bit peeved as the job was pressured at this point needing to get the store back up and running etc.

Got to the point where I was testing one of the new socket circuits and got a low reading L-N on the insulation test. Started to get worried then checked nothing was plugged in. There was something in the sockets. He had only plugged in his nice laptop :) Sadly no damage was done to the laptop or if there was he never said anything and neither did I :innocent

They are a law unto themselves some networking companies and the way they run there cables is just get it from A-B. Worst thing is they are probably getting paid lots more than me:_|

I've had that loads of times , its not your problem , keep nose out , no one will listen anyway, don't get involved, you didn't do it, no one will thank you , life goes on , we are not the Electric Police, pay cheque into bank , move on, find a nice girl to marry, sit in the sun with a drink and watch the world go by , it will always happen, you'll never change it.

A good mate in the trade was always worrying about stuff like that, I was always telling him to forget it but it was his nature, he,s now fighting a serious illness and all that worrying and fretting he did counts for nothing.

I wired a new small medical centre some years back, customer was B,ham City Council.

Like a large house , drilled all the joists on ground floor and wired it all with T/E .

Security alarm guy wires through my holes, Clerk of Works told me to alter all my wiring but I refused and let them fight it out with Chubb.

I've had that loads of times , its not your problem , keep nose out , no one will listen anyway, don't get involved, you didn't do it, no one will thank you , life goes on , pay cheque into bank and move on. I wired a new small medical centre some years back, customer was B,ham City Council.

Like a large house , drilled all the joists on ground floor and wired it all with T/E .

Security alarm guy wires through my holes, Clerk of Works told me to alter all my wiring but I refused and let them fight it out with Chubb.
Dont mention chubb ad a little debate with there engineer about isolation on the fire alarms at my place of work an also he went round replaceing the call point wen nothing was wrong with them on the 6 month inspections

found out latter they work on commision

Dont mention chubb ad a little debate with there engineer about isolation on the fire alarms at my place of work an also he went round replaceing the call point wen nothing was wrong with them on the 6 month inspections found out latter they work on commision
never get a chubb engineer on a Friday...if he has not made his commission during the week then you are in for a severe slapping.

One of my customers insisted that anything that chubb replaced was either tested again by me or sent to an independent tester!...soon changed their tune :coat

I told this guy that he shouldn't run his cables through same holes and routes as mains ,I remember him saying (a) the insulation of my cables is up to 1000v so his are OK and (B) we are Chubb and we write the regs for alarm systems.

What peed me off is the Clerk of Works ,on spotting what was done, comes straight to me and says you'll have to pull all your wiring out and drill new holes ,not interested that alarm man is following me . I can be a stubborn sod so did nothing until builder is waiting to start plaster boarding , then at site meeting I point out that my wiring went in first,which they knew anyway, and they made Chubb alter it .

A few years back we fitted a complete steel conduit & trunking scheme with draw wires installed for BT, in a 6 floor office. Bt then cable tied their wiring to the outside of the conduit, bent up the lips of the trunking ( with an axe it looked like) and used sticky pads to glue the sockets to the trunking, even though we had supplied the necessary flush boxes.

A few years back we fitted a complete steel conduit & trunking scheme with draw wires installed for BT, in a 6 floor office. Bt then cable tied their wiring to the outside of the conduit, bent up the lips of the trunking ( with an axe it looked like) and used sticky pads to glue the sockets to the trunking, even though we had supplied the necessary flush boxes.


on a job a while back all wiring in ceiling (wired before grid installed) was done in glav trunking, with conduit to kliks etc

data co comes along and uses newly installed grid frame to hang their cables from.

I just cut them all out then explain why, saves me having to rewire my cables, never lost a battle against it yet, and I have done this to BT, data and even plumbers on one occasion.

In my terms and conditions I state that all cable management is for the electrical installation only, and that no pipes, cables or any other fixtures can be attached to them without prior arrangement and in accordance with the current wiring regulations. So if I find that the data guys have installed all their cat 5e cable in my cable runs I cut it out and pilke it on the floor for them to wheigh in.

A few years back we fitted a complete steel conduit & trunking scheme with draw wires installed for BT, in a 6 floor office. Bt then cable tied their wiring to the outside of the conduit, bent up the lips of the trunking ( with an axe it looked like) and used sticky pads to glue the sockets to the trunking, even though we had supplied the necessary flush boxes.
Thats typical of BT TBH . I've had the same , flush conduit & boxes with drag wires. BT guy shows up towards the end of the job and comences to clip cables to brand new skirting boards . I had to warn him that his feet wouldn't touch the ground when the architect sees what he,s done .

He was incapable hooking his cables onto the drags without them coming off half along so in the end the architect asked us pull them in .

A few years back we fitted a complete steel conduit & trunking scheme with draw wires installed for BT, in a 6 floor office. Bt then cable tied their wiring to the outside of the conduit, bent up the lips of the trunking ( with an axe it looked like) and used sticky pads to glue the sockets to the trunking, even though we had supplied the necessary flush boxes.
About right

I just cut them all out then explain why, saves me having to rewire my cables, never lost a battle against it yet, and I have done this to BT, data and even plumbers on one occasion.In my terms and conditions I state that all cable management is for the electrical installation only, and that no pipes, cables or any other fixtures can be attached to them without prior arrangement and in accordance with the current wiring regulations. So if I find that the data guys have installed all their cat 5e cable in my cable runs I cut it out and pilke it on the floor for them to wheigh in.
Do you give these t&c's to the network people before they start work then? I can see them causing hidden damage to your work if you go around ripping their stuff out no matter how poor it is.


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