Love Is In The Air

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you can **** right off with all this ****

I am surprised at that Sand-Dancer cont though giving all his man-love out,  :slap

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This new colour scheme nearly earned me a slap from my wife!!! "What site is THAT you are looking at???"


Thanks Andy. My missus says you must be "in touch with you feminine side" :slap

I tried[\u] to explain that I'd actually met you, and you had about as much feminine side as we had bread & butter after a sidewinder visit; but she was having none of it.

By the way. Took missus to premiere of "50 shades"....stick to the book, the film is baaaaaaaaad


Thanks Andy. My missus says you must be "in touch with you feminine side" :slap

I tried[\u] to explain that I'd actually met you, and you had about as much feminine side as we had bread & butter after a sidewinder visit; but she was having none of it.

By the way. Took missus to premiere of "50 shades"....stick to the book, the film is baaaaaaaaad

WTF am i getting blamed for?!

and as PD, i thought the site had been hacked again and redirected to some dating shite

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Change it back this SECOND!!!!

don't want all this pink stuff looks like one of those chat-up sites ,Not that I have been on them to know 

The missus and I don't really give each other presents/cards rather we spend it on the kids.

Secretly though I do like to surprise her occasionally so on the way to the plumber's merchants this morning I scrawled "Happy Valentine's Day XXX" on the back of the list I'd written on a sheet of A4. I held it up to the French windows as I went round to the car.

I did get a laugh...........probably though all I'll be getting!

