Love Is In The Air

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looks like your stuck with it then... oh everything normal here...

okay... own up... who put my name there?! (and yes, i have just noticed, after looking at the site from a different browser that wasnt changed back to normal...)

and just for those others less observant than me....

Due to popular demand due to the pink Valentines theme, I have just added a new pink theme for those who like Kerching wear their heart on their sleeve.

Thanks and if anyone wants this set as their default only theme then please let me know.

More themes to follow.

All dreadful. Wouldn't be so bad if someone knew how to add themes properly.

Wasn't there a move a while back in rowdy pubs and clubs to paint all the walls in gent's loos PINK. Seems the lads were going in spoiling for a fight after they had taken a leak but the decor apparently has a calming effect and by the time they came out they were all mellow!
