Right guys, a bit of an update.
I can confirm that this is a sub main. It is protected by a 100 amp MCCB. It is 16mm 70c multicore thermoplastic armoured. There are 3 circuits like it all 3 phase protected by a 100amp MCCB, all in 16mm armoured.
I know it's 16mm as it says on the drum that I'm pulling it off and from experience and other guys there it is 16mm.
The three circuits are 57meters, 65 meters and 75 meters. All three circuits have a design current of 60amps so yes I would assume the MCCB would be adjusted to 63 amps but it's not been as yet and some other circuits that should be down rated haven't been done as yet.
I have seen a copy of the cable calcs and it states in black and white that it should be 25mm cable, however this is def 16mm. That's the first f*#k up.
The other thing is on the Amtech cable calc sheet, it's states 3core armoured, which is obviously incorrect as its 4 core (3 phase and neutral). That's the 2nd f *#k up.
The DB schedule which has been fitted in the DB 10 mins ago states in black and white 16mm cable protected by 100amp MCB. So that's two f *#k ups there. First that it's actually an MCCB and not MCB as stated and that the cable and schedule do not match the cable calcs.
If the MCCB is being down rated then it shouldn't be too big a problem but the cable calcs do not match what had been installed and the MCCB has not been downrated yet.
I think perhaps what has happened is the calcs were issued for approval the the boss has decided that its unlikely the cables will be required to be loaded to 100 Amps so has decided to use 16mm instead and save some money.
The whole job is a farce.
This whole job is rough and I only going to stick around this week and then I'm getting out of here. Don't worry I will not be putting my name to any of it.
I'm not saying I know everything but I can assure you I am a qualified spark, I did a 4 year apprenticeship with JTL. I am a JIB approved electrician, have my 2391-10 inspection and testing and the 2391-20 design qualification. I am doing a bit of subby work as the money is good and will be starting uni next week for 1 day a week.