Minor works certification

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Apr 14, 2012
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Currently I undertake maintenance for a chain of nursing and residential homes, this involving working with electricals. I have no formal quals at the moment though I am booked for my 2382 next month and the following month my 2392.

I was just wondering if this would allow me to issue a minor works cert myself for my own work rather than having to call in my colleague.

The work I do I would class myself as competent to do as it is mainly only additions to circuits, lighting, socket outlets etc.

Thanks in advance


Currently I undertake maintenance for a chain of nursing and residential homes, this involving working with electricals. I have no formal quals at the moment though I am booked for my 2382 next month and the following month my 2392.I was just wondering if this would allow me to issue a minor works cert myself for my own work rather than having to call in my colleague.

The work I do I would class myself as competent to do as it is mainly only additions to circuits, lighting, socket outlets etc.

Thanks in advance

I would suggest you ask the nursing and residential homes insurance, heath & safety and personnel dept this question......

As they may find that they are not covered in the event of accident...

if your work is negligible in anyway and some one is injured...

What possible reasonable grounds are there for any such establishment NOT to employ competent qualified persons to undertake such work.


This is nothing to do with your abilities..

more the management of the homes you are working at taking all reasonably practical steps to ensure the safety of everyone using the buildings.


I will check with the insurance, I was asking more around whether this certification would allow me to complete minor works.

There is a qualified spark that works for the company, I normally do the labouring that he is to busy to get to an he certifies. It would make it easier if I was able to certify my own minor work though, as for an example an addition of a socket to a cct.

If the electrician is to busy or not interested in being there when works are required to be done, I would suggest the employment of another more caring electrician.

To confirm, anyone can carry out electrical work providing they are not being paid to do so, and is in their own home. The works done must comply to BS7671 and this would require for all circuits to have been tested and verified before works are carried out to ensure the addition is suitable, and after to confirm that the altered circuit is safe to use.

You will find that any works not done to BS7671 including the omission of certificates will seriously effect any insurance claim.
