On the radio at the moment , the question of the nisnaming of Birmingham International rail station . I hear this sort of thing quite often and posted a while ago with the stupid (to me) re-naming of a local polytec.
It went through various name changes from North B,ham Polytechnic ...to ...University of Central England ..and now....
..... Birmingham City University , not to be confused with the long established Birmingham University 9 miles away.
Back to the rail station , if I was a stranger travelling to B,ham by rail , I could well get off at B,ham International thinking I'd arrived in the city centre, only to find I was at Birmingham Airport , 8 miles away from the city.
Some times my logic doesn't match with others but that should be named Birmingham Airport , thats why it was buit.
Just in case anyone is heading for the city by train , its New Street Station you'll want .
Just seems daft to me .
It went through various name changes from North B,ham Polytechnic ...to ...University of Central England ..and now....
..... Birmingham City University , not to be confused with the long established Birmingham University 9 miles away.
Back to the rail station , if I was a stranger travelling to B,ham by rail , I could well get off at B,ham International thinking I'd arrived in the city centre, only to find I was at Birmingham Airport , 8 miles away from the city.
Some times my logic doesn't match with others but that should be named Birmingham Airport , thats why it was buit.
Just in case anyone is heading for the city by train , its New Street Station you'll want .
Just seems daft to me .