Need help with few questions.

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not got time to answer them now, but you'll get much better response if you try answering them yourself and someone will tell you where your going wrong

Can I add to the advice, that a little more care with the typing; and/or proofreading your post, might be helpful to you. If people cannot easily read and understand your questions and comments, they`re more likely to say "stuff it", and reply to someone who is easier to understand.


mr loss

or are you a real general

you have been provided with advice on how best to use the forum

in this thread

and your previous questions

mr location has explained the best way to gain understanding

which you seem to ignore

although not electrically qualified

mr smith does have a certain level of knowledge

mr smith would also point out that your post quality is rather poor

how you expect members to make sense of that

mr smith does not know

please attempt to check your posts

a spell checking function has been provided to all members

at great expense to the administrator

yet free to all members

there is no excuse for such posts

further posts of a similar quality will be removed

thank you

mr smith

I did not ask for the answers for the questions. I did ask for help for the questions. as for the spellings I have dyslexia and im prity sure you can understand everything I say plus I wrote it right out of the papers where they have spelt it wrong. As for my other post I would not post this if I had the answers to the questions or if I think I had them plus it would be huge amount of text to do so. I'm not asking anyone to do my homework but I ask for help for the questions. And MR Smith Generalloss is a tobacco in Sweden as I am from Sweden and have had that tag for long (General l

I`m sorry if you took offence at my comments, none was intended. It was a simple statement of fact (irrespective of skills or impairments), in that I, for one, find your posts difficult to comprehend easily; ergo I don`t want to spend time trying to decipher what you`re actually asking, before trying to point you in the right direction.

How the heck do you hope to be able to complete the necessary paperwork?

As to your original post:

6. Explain, with reason, way the following information, relating to the characteristics of the suplly, is required during the design stage of the electrical installation of the extension

B) The Value of external impedance (Ze)

D) Disconnection time of the external bulkhead type luminaire

8a) Explain why it is essential to verify the continuity of the c.p.c. (R2), Prior to undertajubg ab imedance test on the socket olet installation.

9) With reference to the alterations and additions to the existing electrical installation state,

B) TWO examples of functional testing

c) The rating and type of circuit breaker to BS EN 60898

11. When carrying out an insulation resistance test on this installation, state one reason for EACH of the folloing

e) Operation or linking of two-way and intermediate light switches.

12. When carrying out an insulation resistance test between live conductors of the socket outlet a short circuit is discovers.

B) Descrube with the aid of a labelled diagram how you would perfom a test to determine the location of the fault within the damaged cable.

c)Describe the action to be taken to rectify this fault.

13. List in the correct sequence the test required for this instalation to complu with BS 7671

14 Explain why the documented results of polarity tests are not a numerical value.

15 The variation order for the wall lights specifies E.S. lamp holders

a) Describe, with the aid of a labeled diagram, how a polarity test may be conducted.

B) State the type and range of the test instrumentation used in "a)"
6B - way is required by test or enquiry

D) what is the question? I do not understand what you are asking.

8a) If you don`t know this, you need to restart the course. Somewhat basic.

9b) as above.

9c) EH? "state the rating and type of circuit breaker to BSEN60898"? nonsense question.

11e) pretty basic question, IMO. Perhaps some light reading of your course notes is in order.

12b) what do YOU think you would do?

12c) see 11e

13) refer BRB, section headed "inspection & testing". Also GN3

14) What do YOU think?

15a) see 8a.

15b) which "a"? 15a? if so - what do YOU think the answer may be?


I did not ask for the answers for the questions. I did ask for help for the questions. as for the spellings I have dyslexia and im prity sure you can understand everything I say plus I wrote it right out of the papers where they have spelt it wrong. As for my other post I would not post this if I had the answers to the questions or if I think I had them plus it would be huge amount of text to do so. I'm not asking anyone to do my homework but I ask for help for the questions. And MR Smith Generalloss is a tobacco in Sweden as I am from Sweden and have had that tag for long (General l
Thank you "kme" for that. That helped me allot.

Tho i still have a few questions.

6. Explain, with reason, why (not way sorry )the following information, relating to the characteristics of the supply, is required during the design stage of the electrical installation of the extension

B) The Value of external impedance (Ze)

D) Disconnection time of the external bulkhead type luminaire ( Luminary? )

As for D) that all I have to go on. That is what it says on the paper.

1. When carrying out an insulation resistance test on this installation, state one reason for EACH of the following

e) Operation or linking of two-way and intermediate light switches

I don

I don't think they are a scam. But then again I would as I pay d for it. But the prime minister have visited the place and gave them a good review (source) And I can guarantee that that is the place he is at as I have been there now already 2 times before.

I don't think they are a scam. But then again I would as I pay d for it. But the prime minister have visited the place and gave them a good review (source) And I can guarantee that that is the place he is at as I have been there now already 2 times before.
Hello I am doing a course to become an electrician and my tutors don
special locaton ges you have a point if that makes you happy. Tho dont help me with my questions. cba arguing with you.

Do you mean

6b. This will affect disconnection time and prospective fault current for starters1.e when performing the insulation test on a 2 way circuit - you would need to do it with the switches in both positions to make sure everything had been insulation tested

Or link 2 way switches out to perform test on all wiring

But I don't do house bashing so Dad may correct me here :slap

Welcome to the forum by the way....

(e &oe)
Yes i still don't understand 6b. not sure how to wright that out on paper

I only have 6b and




left to do now

Do you meanYes i still don't understand 6b. not sure how to wright that out on paper

I only have 6b and




left to do now
if you cant work these out yourself when your 5 weeks away from the end of your course, then you should choose another career

but either way, i will give you some hints....

c)Describe the action to be taken to rectify this fault. how about the obvious. replace the damaged cable. there. now was that really so hard?

13. List in the correct sequence the test required for this instalation to complu with BS 7671go read chapter 6 in the big scary red book. oh look, the BRB lists all the tests required, in the correct order. who would of thought that?!
Do you know what think.......

like it,,dont like it, but when the 5 week courses first appeared they seemed to be run by ex sparkies who could answer these questions with little or no effort

as it has progressed and these short courses become popular throughout the trades, the lecturers have not got the experience in the trade and just read from a book

maybe this course is being run by a 5WW ????

no disrespect to the op but i think you have been sold down the river !!!!!

is there a placement at the end of the course ????
