We had to fit a disconnect and an RCD at the meter as EDF specified this to protect their supply even though the supply is fused. Dont forget the meter is very remote from the points of use 300 and 400+m
The meter RCD is 300/30 as its only function is to protect the mains, all take offs are covered by 30/30 RCDs I will be replacing the meter RCD with a time delay to sort out the priority.
The house is fully protected by the RCD 30/30, overload and isolator in the C/U.
The barn is rarely used now but all the machines were on contactors so would need to be restarted.
Rural living is a bit more complicated at times.
We had to fit a disconnect and an RCD at the meter as EDF specified this to protect their supply even though the supply is fused. Dont forget the meter is very remote from the points of use 300 and 400+m
The meter RCD is 300/30 as its only function is to protect the mains, all take offs are covered by 30/30 RCDs I will be replacing the meter RCD with a time delay to sort out the priority.
The house is fully protected by the RCD 30/30, overload and isolator in the C/U.
The barn is rarely used now but all the machines were on contactors so would need to be restarted.
Rural living is a bit more complicated at times.