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Tony S

© Honorary Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Sep 24, 2012
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Resting under the Major Oak.
I don’t want to detract from phil d’s topic.

I gained a nickname at school that stuck with me for thirty years until I left the area.

It all started in an argument just before a tech drawing lesson about motor racing. I pointed out to “Piggy” that a Stanley steam car had held the world speed record for a short while. Piggy christened me Stanley and it stuck. Whitbread didn’t help with the Tankard adverts as I was known for liking the odd beverage.

Stanley got shortened to Stan.

At work I would walk passed someone if they used my real name, it just didn’t register they were talking to me. The personnel department had two people with the same employee number as it was easier for them.

Even my bank would accept a cheque made out to my pseudonym.

I now have another pseudonym, one I’m happy with.

Only my mother and ex wife used my real name when I was in trouble. Pink Minx has latched on to the trick to get my attention.

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I have various nicknames along the lines of Swede, Swedish etc. The boys at work went through a stage of calling me Queenie, but recently my mate has for some reason taken to yelling WIIIIILMA whenever he wants something. :slap

when I worked at the aluminium plant, nicknames were a part of life. I would see someone in a supermarket with their family and would need to think really hard what their real name was.

Short straw - this is what you got if you ended up working with him

2 bears - small fellow but mighty

dead meat - had an accident involving his foot going into molten metal

Dutch - a bit cryptic, but he was always first out in the morning and got the best van - so started out as Darren Van Driver - we decided that sounded Dutch so there you go

will add more later


I have various nicknames along the lines of Swede, Swedish etc. The boys at work went through a stage of calling me Queenie, but recently my mate has for some reason taken to yelling WIIIIILMA whenever he wants something. :slap
Wilma's maiden name was Slaghoople..Not a lot of people,know that

( betty's was McBricker )

just informing

There is a mobile phone number at the top of that list, this is an open forum, is that wise?

It is funny though. :slap

I have various nicknames along the lines of Swede, Swedish etc. The boys at work went through a stage of calling me Queenie, but recently my mate has for some reason taken to yelling WIIIIILMA whenever he wants something. :slap

Personally I think that you look much more like Betty than Wilma

or maybe Barney at a push :slap

One firm I worked for had the following   :-



Fourby   ( 4 by 2  =  Non anti- Semitic reference to his religion . No offence meant or taken)

Sneakin' Deakin    (Foreman)

Auntystyfullinghousen    ( :C )

The Pope    ( OK  Religion again)

Webby Veeblestein   ( :C )

Dekus McDukas        (Me)

Bob the Breakdown.



Fagash Lil.

Used to work with a guy many years ago who had the nick name "18 months", he had 1/2 an ear missing.

So he only had an ear and a half.

Still makes me smile that one.

A good friend of mine was known for a long time as Shed, he still is to some people, I never got the real reason as to why, but one theory was that it was an abbreviation of courgette head

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Some of the blokes I've worked with.......

Chalky white (big lad from Dudley.......was the opposite of his nick name)

Squeek (had a hairlip and a high pitch voice)

Knobber (always knocked one out in his gonk bag when on exercise no matter who was about)

Mouse (no idea why)



Flag (surname was Emblem)



Streacher the creature

Corry (surname was street)

Valarie (surname singleton)

Baldrick (always had a plan)

Smokey Joe (never without a tab, even unlit on op's so the story goes)



Dot (surname cotton)

Doris (because he was like an old woman & worried about everything)

Shirley (Training instructor who always said when we got it wrong "surely you cant be serious muppets"....... if you watched airplane you'll get it)

Pretty much anybody serving will have a nickname.
