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I used to work with

the ghost.   Pale as a nuns wimple,,never saw daylight

big head

the Banker.  As he was a total W⚓ he was the Bankers apprentice

Aids.......if you had Aids then you would look like he did

two,cups....always had two,small,cups,of tea and not one large one

Osama.....nobody could ever find him

paedo pete

weirdy beardy

metal mickey.....steel,plate in his head

the Owl.......always turning his head to look at the ladies

Canestan.....he was a really irritating c....... up everyones nose

pissh head....due to,an accident with a bucket being lowered down on a rope

semtex...he had done time for blowing a safe

loads of others in 40 plus years.....i shall try to remember some more

Just remembered one from school .......Washer ...because he was always on the tap .

To conjour him up all you had to do was , ( when we all smoked)  produce your fag packet and he'd be there from nowhere , hand outstretched like a Drott .

If he,s mentioned to old schoolmates you get the same response ..... "Yeah he still owes me money." 

The last stroke I remember was when we were 17 I guess and had started driving .  He,s at my house , (our then girlfriends knew each other)  . He,s looking at my books , "Can I borrow these two , I love these ?"      I think they were hardback  Ian Flemings .

             Naturally I never got them back .      Months later he,s dropping stuff off at a mate's ,  he had a van and back then the driver seats were hinged at the front so they could tip forward to access the back  ( No seat belts then) .

Propping up the driver seat under the back legs so he could see better  were my books  .   :C Part ! 

I have been known by quite a few nicknames over the past. Some I never got others I just flew with if you know what I mean.

Mouse, probably because I was small and quiet

Buzzby, I had an afro hairdo that was cut out (1970's) made me look like I had a permanent buzby.

Pikey, my family were circus acts, strong men mainly we moved a lot but were never Irish or Gypsies.

Tom Thumb, again a reflection on my good height.

Bruce, mainly due to my interest in martial arts, a promotional video was shot with myself  and was used for years to show how even small people can defend themselves.

Jimmy, after Jimmy Clitheroe, a reflection on my accent in fact some people did not even know my real name as the nickname stuck.

Some others i encountered..

nitofff............never isolated anything , could always be heard shouting  TurN IT OFF

rembrandt......he was of dubious proclivities but 'good with colours,', if you see what i mean

NOTME....never his fault

Diddler.....he played fiddle,in an Irish folk band

Architect.....he was just a waste of space

Bemder....very goood with conduit

wrong wall Tony....knocked the wrong wall down,in Texas Longhorn....obvious reasons

doubtless i will remember more as last nights fug slowly clears

wrong wall Tony....knocked the wrong wall down

That’s my trick!

The plant floor layout was confusing, the floors went up in half levels either side of the service tower. I’d got two hefty cables to run and the easiest way was through the fitter’s storeroom. I got the wrong floor and belted a hole in the plant managers office.

That’s my trick!

The plant floor layout was confusing, the floors went up in half levels either side of the service tower. I’d got two hefty cables to run and the easiest way was through the fitter’s storeroom. I got the wrong floor and belted a hole in the plant managers office.
This was for a conveyor belt, roller type.

it had to run from goods inwards to unpacking a distance of approximately 4 m.

instead of him knocking the holemin the left wall he knocked it in the right wall straight into the ladies toilet "stalls". The user of said "stall" was less than impressed...and quite dusty

Crane driver - known as John the Baptist -

Had a bloke in a manbox and picked him up and lowered him over the other side of a ship to do some work on the hull. Didn't quite get the stop signal and lowered the poor bloke into the sea. The name has stuck since, and he has always wanted to get me in the basket to 'baptise' me. Thats why I always opt for the site JLG!

I ended up known as Arnie. Partly  because whenever I went anywhere I always said I'll  be back and partly because I had a propensity for destruction and violence. Lol

once worked with a guy we called 2 watt (he was not very bright)

and another called two jobs , whatever job he did he would have to go back to fix something he had broken

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