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May 6, 2010
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I have just found out tonight, ands, I admit to being one of the lucky ones living in a bit of a "green" area that all of the land for around 5 miles in all directions is up for development into houses and commercial properties!

This will destroy common land, historical monuments, sites of special scientific intersest and green wedge (in England called green belt).

This could be happening in your area too.

The councils are restructuring their planning documents and due to the climate are not publicising this.

Good for business perhaps, but not good for many other things!


sorry to here that mate.

we dont need more house we need a population reduction, but they keep squerting them out and packing them in, but its fine i dont mind, we do have unlimited resouces and space after all

I dont think your local council has got the ultimate decision for development on SSSI's unless its a one off property so I shouldnt worry about that. How have you heard about this news?

Here you go Sidey, Link to Natural England organisation and down the page it states that public bodies have to contact Natural England with stuff to do with SSSI's

Natural England - What involvement do Public Bodies have with SSSIs?

Thing is Robin, unless this is brought to the full public attention it will slip in under the radar as it were.

They are proposals to basically merge the City of Swansea and the town of Llanelli between the Swansea West boundary and the Llanelli East boundary!

If anyone cares to look this up it has massive significance on the environment and area.

I am not unfamiliar with this situation as I have been part of a "movement" that stopped a supermarket (Sainsbury) and a housing developer (Redrow) previously developing in this area previously.

The situation is that it is not the "local" council it is the "County" council and there are several stakeholders who are pushing this and the minimum publicity possible has been made.

It is also not just housing, it is commercial and industrial too!

The "old" local development plan has now expired and they have to now develop a new plan.

The county structure has changed and there have been other various changes which require a complete "re-write", this is also happening in Admin's County too, though he may not be aware of what is likely to be lost either.

Now one thing I an not sure about, but I am led to believe is that there was a BIG shift in council boundaries etc about the same time country wide, so this could be happening to your neighbourhood NOW!

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Nothing to do with Natural England mate, check the flag!!!

The plans are already printed to develop the SSSI end of, it is in black and white (sort of) on their website, it is up for proposal for conversion already.

The plans also include changing common land to development land.

Think about the green spaces around you that you value are these up for development too?

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That is one aspect, however, once the change from Common land to development land, or SSSI is wiped out or Green Belt is no more then there is no stopping the development after the first application as there is a precedent set.

This is how we have beaten them in the past!

Oops, apologies Sidewinder, never gave it a thought about you being in South WALES! Even though I was down your way a couple of weeks ago and know its not England (too much of Stella I'm laying the blame on).

Why develop in the countryside and wreck all that beauty and natural history when there are plenty of shxte areas around me (Deke and Specs will back me up on that one) that just need bulldozing and rebuilding!

Exactly my point Robin, the area thet is up for development is the northern gateway to the Gower peninsular.

The first designated area of outstanding natural beauty in the UK!

Anyway now off up the wooden hill, up at 06:00 for work later!

You know when you are very young and you hear grown up stuff but only half understand it , well thats when I heard of Green Belts , which I thought at first were to hold up your trousers.

Then I heard them say "There will be a green Belt set up around urban areas and no one will ever be able to build on it "

And my young mind thought "Thats a good idea , these people who run the country must be really clever"

So what did they do , have been building on them ever since. Much cheaper than cleaning up a Brownfield site with its industrial polution .

What was that other one .......Ah yes ... back in the sixties....... we must stop hunting whales and must do it NOW or there will be none left HHHmmmmm !!!

Sidey you must fight the local planners , where are all these people at the moment , who desperatly need these houses , I'll tell you where ............ they havn't arrived in the country yet .

Have the Welsh stopped reading the book, Rape of the Fair Country, these days . Recommend it to you local planning office and throw in How Green was my Valley too .

Or better still , to show how it can be really F***ed up tell 'em to have a look round Birmingham .

Oops, apologies Sidewinder, never gave it a thought about you being in South WALES! Even though I was down your way a couple of weeks ago and know its not England (too much of Stella I'm laying the blame on).Why develop in the countryside and wreck all that beauty and natural history when there are plenty of shxte areas around me (Deke and Specs will back me up on that one) that just need bulldozing and rebuilding!
I think as Deke implies Brown-Field can leave more grounds for later compensation than Green-Field sites, I would never suggest that money talks, but it does! years ago before the sue you culture I would guess that building over old industrial sites would have been a cheaper and more viable option. But I am just guessing here?

Doc H.

devils advocate,

isnt it funny that the only people to oppose such measures are people that own homes that they think will be negatively influenced by these measures?

NIMBYs I believe.?

BTW, about the only thing the survey told me about my house that was a proven fact is that a motorway is XXXXX metres from my back door, NO **** sherlock! I can see and hear it, I did look at the house before I bought it.

I think buying a house on the provisio that nothing is built nearby is a stupid thought, unless you own about 200 acres and build in the middle.

Thing is Steps over 95% of this is NIMBY it is several miles away.

Yes the near stuff may have an affect on the property, but I am never gonna sell, ask Admin & KME why they'll explain!

It is the loss of amenity I object to and the change of use of land.

There is a LOT of pasture, native deciduous woodland, heathland and common land being destroyed.

It will also blight the northern gateway to the Gower.

I also did not buy the house recently!

It is a family house.

There is 3 whole farms being destroyed, they will be building right up to the edge of what was until recently burning coal tips.

Apparently they can never be built on.

They will be removing bridleways, and footpaths, there will be significant infrastructure changes 33kV lines to move, 132kV & 400kV lines to move, there will be sewers to upgrade, there will be flood defences to build.

Now you have seen what flood defences do, one mans flood defence is another mans flood.

I am not living where I do to make money on the house by selling and moving on.

I am probably in negative equity, but that is not really a problem as long as I pay the mortgage, as I never intend to sell.

The proposals would change demonstrably the character of the area amalgamating at least 9 or 10 discrete separated areas, and would merge a city and a town across county boundaries.

Apparently this is not unique to our area either.

I just object to the desecration of green sites when there are other options.

There is are several closed factories on the edge of existing settlement areas that could easily be redeveloped.

No, instead they destroy the farmland and woodland around.

We use this land we walk it we like the river, we watch it flood the proposed land on which they want to build houses, a river in flood is a spectacular site

I feel for you Sidey....

Same is happening here in England, take Basingstoke & Reading for years now the locals in the inbetween villages have been countering two counties proposals of joining both towns between the villages of Chineham & Three mile cross....

My parents did live in a green belt area of historical interest in Hampshire, but county council have changed their thinking & as we speak 2500 homes with all amenities are goining in around Harewood forest, with indications that more will be given the goahead on the southern side of the A303.

Again I say ......where are all these homeless people living at the moment , must be in tents in the Harewood Forest least two people per house so 5000 people waiting to move in there HHmmmmm! Ahh they've just demolished 6 huge blocks of flats in Brum , must be all the people from them . Enjoy!!

In my view they should be developing some of the derelict buildings, abandoned and

I've just finished reading the new Jonathan Franzen novel called "Freedom". It deals a lot with overpopulation and its impact on society and environment, very interesting, I wasn't aware that overpopulation is also a problem in the States or here in Europe. It is a global issue.

Bloody governments and councils tell us we have to tighten our belts then find the billions to build the high speed rail link and that may be 8 miles from where I live.
