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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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With reference this subject in Q & A I was recently asked to certify a job where the sparks who did it had left without certifying. I said can't certify other work. Then bloke comes back saying LBC will accept a PIR ,so I did a PIR , job checked out OK. That was two weeks ago, now LBC want me to add to the cert. that I have inspected all the cables hidden in floors etc.

It states on the cert. that that is not covered , now I am supposed to phone them , but they are never in and now I'm Part Peed off with it TBH .

With reference this subject in Q & A I was recently asked to certify a job where the sparks who did it had left without certifying. I said can't certify other work. Then bloke comes back saying LBC will accept a PIR ,so I did a PIR , job checked out OK. That was two weeks ago, now LBC want me to add to the cert. that I have inspected all the cables hidden in floors etc.It states on the cert. that that is not covered , now I am supposed to phone them , but they are never in and now I'm Part Peed off with it TBH .
You cannot do that and I would not, you do not know what you are signing for. I would only ever EIC my own work otherwise its a PIR thats what the exclusions is for.


With reference this subject in Q & A I was recently asked to certify a job where the sparks who did it had left without certifying. I said can't certify other work. Then bloke comes back saying LBC will accept a PIR ,so I did a PIR , job checked out OK. That was two weeks ago, now LBC want me to add to the cert. that I have inspected all the cables hidden in floors etc.It states on the cert. that that is not covered , now I am supposed to phone them , but they are never in and now I'm Part Peed off with it TBH .
Ask the customer to expose all the cable runs for you to inspect - that way you can remove the disclaimer from the PIR, but you didn't design or construct so you'd be mad to sign as such.

There is no requirement to inspect or remove for inspection any floorboards for a pir.

The LABC if requested a PIR should not now insist on a full electrical examination as to the suitability and accordance with building regulations.

You are under no obligation to commit to this extended work.

If they wanted a full EIC they should have requested one from the outset.

However I have found some LABC's to be a little pig headed.

If they want a PIR with all cables exposed.... then its another job and all cables will have to be exposed for inspection! not going to be cheap, especially if its been plastered!

Ah ! it did happen. LABC Electrical dept. phoned me back . Said we don't accept PIRs. I said I know but your dept. told the customer that you would because the sparks has sodded off. In fact it is in writing, so I did a PIR. Oh ,right have looked at the cable runs ? No . You have put down no grommitts in the boxes and main earth is a clip and needs upgrading, I take it you are doing this ? No, Ze is good but no one is offering to pay me to get it sorted .

What puzzles me is if the customer asked the LABC to check it surely they could only issue a PIR the same as me.

Last time I do that anyway, I refused it twice.

Ah ! it did happen. LABC Electrical dept. phoned me back . Said we don't accept PIRs. I said I know but your dept. told the customer that you would because the sparks has sodded off. In fact it is in writing, so I did a PIR. Oh ,right have looked at the cable runs ? No . You have put down no grommitts in the boxes and main earth is a clip and needs upgrading, I take it you are doing this ? No, Ze is good but no one is offering to pay me to get it sorted . What puzzles me is if the customer asked the LABC to check it surely they could only issue a PIR the same as me.

Last time I do that anyway, I refused it twice.
I do not think there is any LABC that have their own in house qualified electrician.

They rely on known electricians to do the work on there behalf, and yes they could only do a PIR.

If an electrician has started some work then left or otherwise can not finnish the job then any electrician who follows has to make sure what is installed is correct and sign to say so, or totally rip it out and start again.

Me? I rip the lot out.

You did right in doing the PIR and it would appear that the LABC do not understand the requirements.
