nuisance tripping

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Junior Member
Jun 8, 2009
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Hi can anybody help i have theory question Describe the term nuisance tripping. my answer was defined as unwarranted circuit breaker trips. A coomon cause are from combined or misplaced neutrals ie neutral intended for protection by rcd is wired to neutral bar. This is what i came across online as i can't seem to find anything in my books Help

There is always a cause of RCDs tripping, to some this is seen as a nuisance especially when the cause is not easily identified.

Borrowed neutrals or nuetral earth faults can be a cause as well as a multitude of other things.

Hi dempstar. I would agree with your 1st point regarding the unwanted tripping scenario.

I would not , however say that misplaced neutrals would be defined as nuiscance tripping, that would be impropper workmanship ,surely.

I would go for .communlative effects of.....

Low insulation resistance in fixed wiring or equipment due to moisture

or . Excessive amounts of equipment with filter circuits installed...e.g IT equipment

...resulting in reaching the tripping threshhold of the RCD.

..for non RCD circuits it could be excessive loading on the protective device which could cause nuisance tripping on an otherwise healthy citcuit.

