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Junior Member
May 16, 2012
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hi as anyone got anything to say about these before i start on one of there course,advice please

Not always ,

Local collages near me are not that great.

There is a local independent training centre in our area that is exceptional

no about 3 years

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was made at 15:17 ----------

its the 2357 diploma etc

I did the OLCI course, the full one like you intend to do.

My experience was that the tutors at the centers are very good, all time served electricians willing to explain or discuss anything, ours even gave us his mobile number so we could call if we had a question.

I can't say the same for the course material, it was poor and in cases wrong (a shaver socket is not an example of SELV).

You will find you need to do a lot of studying on your own to obtain the theory side of the course, and I do mean a LOT.

In short, if you expect to take three years to do it, then go to your local collage, if you want to do it faster and have the money & time to study on your own, yes you can get the exams this way (it took me 10 months for the 2330).

Also remember that you can't get the 2357 without been employed in the trade, and don't believe what the salesman tells you about how they will find someone to employ you, it's not going to happen.

Only you can decide.

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hi yes i know u have to be employed for the on site units etc which i was hoping to give me the chance to do couple days a wk for free i will offer thats my plan,just wanted to know if they are ok and i aint living in a dream world

They are OK, but you will have to learn all the theory yourself, and for that I found this forum a massive help.

But if you expect to do it over three years, go to your local college, it's a lot cheaper.

If you do go with OLCI, negotiate withe the salesman, you will be surprised how many extra exams and books (you want onsite guide and regs as a min) he will throw in to get your money.

But at the end of the day, Month, Year, 3 Years you still have to pass the same exams as those that go to collage do. It's not a shortcut.

yes i tried college for this no chance mate so my only way to this, i am saying 3 yrs because its not easy and i dont want no quick rubbish etc,but i really wanna do it but

seem to say must be employed in the game now when i aint want a change in career etc bloody so hard for me to get in near me.so only way is these private firms.....

Found out the hard way such companies are waste of time proper training from colleges or apprenticeships are the only way!!! Pay thousands of pounds to become a qualified electrician means nothing!!! I payed nearly 4000 I'm 17th and 2391 qualified tell me to rewrite a house and that is still a challenge for me!! Trial and error and forums like these have helped me I'm now Niceic registered

But I'm learning all the time.

My advice if serious go college where courses like 17th and 2391 are 1 /2 years not quick fixs like 4/5 weeks

'training' providers like OLCI (& all the others) are not as good as the salesman will claim they are. if you want to believe they are and ignore our advice, then thats your call. just dont come here in a few month moaning about it

terry, the 4/5 week courses are not 4/5 weeks as such, it took me a year of hard study at home and the 4 weeks on site with in the year.

having done this i have found the education sh1t to be honest, you cannot compare going to collage (something i'm looking into doing when funds allow) you will miss out so much in distant learning!

having said this, i'm pleased i did it.
