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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
What you think of this contraption....


Someone i know wants a 32A socket installed. It is in an industrial setting...

I am [rightly or wrongly] not at all interested in the viewpoint that "industrial settings do not require an RCD" [for reasons that i am perfectly well aware of]

You see, where this will be installed, it is "reasonably foreseeable" that a flexible cable [armour or conduits or whatever, would not be practical as the machine is portable in nature] could well be crushed or whatever....

Sooooo, if someone got hurt, i for one am not too keen to have arguments with a judge concerning the meaning of "an instructed person" etc.... Be much easier to say, and show, that you had taken all reasonable precautions than trying a defence based on semantics......

Just thought it would be cheaper and easier than buying a socket AND an enclosure AND a 4 pole rcd.

What you all think?? Looked a bit cheap and nasty to me..... I know that the socket will only have occasional use, but cheap and nasty does not appeal to me.

Oh, before i forget, the machine does not really need a means of emergency isolation as there are no moving parts, it is a welding set, BUT the socket will be right next to an existing isolator that is now redundant and will feed nothing but this socket, so that can act as the means of isolation assuming you do not count pulling out the plug..


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I can only think of risk assessments and how they work.

A risk is identified, people are instructed of those risks, and measures are implemented to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. The risk is periodically assessed to see if the initial risk was assessed correctly and to see if improvements can be made or if the original risk was assessed above its actual risk.

For instance I can very happily touch a live conductor carrying 400 amps providing that I am fully insulated from any earth source.

The risk assessment for such an action would prohibit myself from doing so, and quite rightly. Though you do have to consider that there are risks in everything we do from crossing the road, to blowing up a balloon.

That looks very cheap for what it is. Of course no mcb in that version. does he do one with an rcbo?

My only comment is his "interesting" choice of cable colours.  Ask him if he supplies the "colours to two different versions" sticker to go with it.   :slap

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Seen similar units to this used in theatres and by touring sound/light companies to supply stage power. They tend to be in shatterproof rubberised enclosures though, and use RCBO's. Looking at the picture this one appears a bit flimsy.

Would over current protection be at the dist. board?

Not much room for your incomer at the top there . 

In this day & age the name of the game is "cover your ass "  so fit the RCD one .  Its a fairly cheapo price in my experience but if it does the job .... 

It would be fitted right next to an existing redundant isolator, well, it is really a switchfuse, so that would be overcurrent protection for the cables feeding the contraption. I too was concerned about the silly colours, the lack of room at the top for the incoming supply and also, the size of the cables used... All the blue ferrules i have are 0.75mm and the other blue cable ends i have seen that are blue are 2.5mm.... Not good....

Ok, buy a proper one as i thought....

By the way, the risk is, it is a steel stockholder, it is reasonable forseeable that one day the cabel to the welder will get squashed under a bit of metal... That is what i am trying to protect against..


Have you ever used anything from Mennekes? Their kit is pretty good........but not cheap!

They do a suitable one.....

Yes, i saw the Mennekes one, certainly not cheap!! I will ask at the electrical wholesalers today. I see screwfix do an ABB one at about £136 but they have the wrong photo for the description, so whether they got the wrong price i do not know. Last time i did it used a metal 4 way mini CU, [was about £12] threw away the insides and put a 4 pole 30mA rcd [was about £40] in there. Was a tight squeeze wiring it all though. Why they make everything so small?? Half an inch would make a world of difference sometimes....


Yes, i just saw it quickly last night when i was on the way out, but very soon decided that a decent one would be FAR better. The person it is destined for does not like to spend money see!!! I will see what they say and get a good one!! Either that, or let them install their own socket......


Must admit, I`m a big fan of the interlocked sockets now - seen way too many that have been pulled out as the means of isolation, while on load - it stuffs up the plug & socket.

I`ll post a pic of the units we`ve fitted in the brewery - they wanted, at six locations, 32A TP, 16A TP and 16A SP outlets - plus 13A on two of them, too.

AND two of them are in "washdown" areas - so had to be IPx6
