Part L building regs help please

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Blue Fox

Senior Member
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hello all,

Just looking at wiring an extension to a kitchen, but am more than a bit confused about what lighting needs to be fitted to comply with part L of the building regs as can't find anything suitable where I normally use (TLC), if I remember rightly its got to be a fitting which can only have the energy saving lamps fitted to it does this only mean LED lights? I know the building inspector has mentioned it to the homeowner as its my parents house so they are not too worried but obviously it needs to comply to get it signed off.


you can use fluorescent lights, discharge etc. just not BC or ES (incase someone puts a non-energy efficient light in)

also, IIRC, only 1 in 4 has to be energy efficient, but thats 1 in 4 of most used lights. i.e an energy efficient light in a cupboard thats never used doesnt count. or so i was told by elecsa assessor

Thanks andy,

They want a set of 4 halogen spots on the wall and nothing else in there which is going to make it quite hard, suppose they could have a florescent tube fitted which is convenantly removed afterwards.

Thanks andy,They want a set of 4 halogen spots on the wall and nothing else in there which is going to make it quite hard, suppose they could have a florescent tube fitted which is convenantly removed afterwards.
just make sure it 'looks' permanenty installed! (i.e actually connect it)

I thought it was a percentage of the lights in the whole house, not sure on this TBH.

Also I have to say, I never take it into consideration. Most people want 50watt chrome downlights , what can you do ? Nothing energy saving about those, as we know.


You might get away with changing some of the fitings that are not part of the extension...

Give your BC a ring and see what they say!

Or just do what most people do (and has previously been said),,, fit compliant ones until it's signed off

Hello all,Just looking at wiring an extension to a kitchen, but am more than a bit confused about what lighting needs to be fitted to comply with part L of the building regs as can't find anything suitable where I normally use (TLC), if I remember rightly its got to be a fitting which can only have the energy saving lamps fitted to it does this only mean LED lights? I know the building inspector has mentioned it to the homeowner as its my parents house so they are not too worried but obviously it needs to comply to get it signed off.

erm NO! Fit the lights that the customer want fitted !!!

they are paying the bill

It is NOT up to you to insist what customer put in to their new kitchen..

If you read the guidance...

Approved document L1A New dwellings & L1B existing dwellings

It is light fitting per 25square meters of floor area OR one per four fittings.

They also suggest replacing a fitting elsewhere in the property to compensate for additional lights in extension.

e.g. stick a low energy in a bedroom or landing!

Also If you are self certifying the work...

It is YOU confirming the electrical aspects of compliance with building regs..

NOT the inspector.

