Part L in Extensions

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Senior Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I am just pricing up for a small extension (dining room and downstairs toilet) plus knocking the kitchen about, the client wants 22 downlights in total plus a pendant in the toilet.

to what extent do I need to worry about part L (the kitchen is existing)

Am I right that the requirements changed last year so that 3 out of 4 should be low energy??

Any guidance will be gratefully received :Salute

Correct 75% of the fittings must now have Low energy lamps, however the lamp holders need not be Low energy ONLY type as was the case.

So normal GU 10 type fittings are ok with CFLs or LEDs, and NORMAL pendants are acceptable.

Wasn't it also considered acceptable to put some low energy lamps in parts of the existing property, if low energy not available options for the new extension? and wasn't it also counted by light fittings or floor area covered?

Doc H.

That could be a plan as there are low energy throughout the rest of the house, I'll have to find document L and check it out further
