Part P The Verdict

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Can I accept your verdict Springcrocus , nothing new to read , not even more expense coming our way. ?
90% of the paper says they'll review it again in two years time. The other 10% says they don't agree with the findings. Total waste of time, typical political thinking, we don't want any hassle, lets see if we can pass the buck to the next administration.

Typical political speak........not worth a toss, bet we end up paying more somewhere along the line.

So PIR's sorry EICR's are not compulsory but gas is and has been for a long time.

How many more people have to die from shoddy electrics before something is done and we can earn a decent living?

Not in my lifetime

do I have to keep giving someone a share of my hard earned money for doing nothing?

thats about right then, same old same old, nothing changes, we work and they take it from us for doing nothing, at least Mr Turpin had the decency to wear a mask

So did Ned Kelly but at least he got burnt in the end lol Seriously though and suppose quite a few get tired of hearing st, but until there is just one to rule over all, the cracks we currently have will just be papered over!!! Needs someone with some brass to finally stand up and put back what once was right ie stop the monkeys taking the peanuts :) In Oz, unless you are licensed in a particular state you can't touch Jack when it comes to electrical! The biggest let down was the government allowing these self serving to stomp all over us in support of some nonesensical claptrap!! I hate the way things have gone and these short courses don't help! Don't get me wrong, they have a place and some are decent, but when some don't know the basics and have to ask, well it gets my blood boiling when I realise these bodies willing accept these incompetent former check out, trolley pushes and the like!!! I will stop before I lose any respect I have on here!!! :)
