Passing the 2391

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Echoing Steptoe's post; The correct terminology MUST be used. The Earthing conductor, Earthing Terminal, Earthing arrangement are different things in 2391. In addition, when answering questions about test procedures, about 9 to 11 separate items are applicable. They include things like seeking permission to isolate and, in the case of taking live reads for Zs, verification against the tables of BS7671 for maximum permissible earth loop impedance. My trainer alerted me to another "rule of thumb" of 0.75 to allow for possible future deterioration within the interval between any two inspections. Hope this assists.

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Just a little story from the training room;

When I discuss (R1 + R2) and proceed to do a verification example using tables 41.1 to 41.4 in the regs pages 48 to 49 I come to the bit where I explain that, having calculated Zs it has to be compared with the maximimum permissible value in that table, prior to use of the Rule of Thumb. Invariably, some bright spark comes in and says " you look along the line of those figures and find the closest value and then use that protective device above it?"

This has happened on more than one occasion. I had one group falling of their seats when I was asked when the first rule of thumb was introduced. Being a history buff I said that it was the accepted rule that a man could beat his wife provided that the rod he used was no wider than his thumb. (Hats off to lady members). This rule no longer applies.

Practical exam taken and passed Tuesday so on to the theory exam, a week today

Yep! I'm on at 18:30 Crawley site, done plenty of revision but still nervous.

Just need to get a bit of luck getting decent questions

Well that wasn't too bad! Quietly confident although I may have ballsed up Q26

Think I put .4 mS for 1x30mA RCD which should've been 40mS :-(

Also I put the expected results in part A whilst explaining the test and part B was expected results so just wrote them out again

Wasn't too bad that, quietly confident that I've passed. Now to get the practical out of the way tomorrow

Yes mate, someone from the place where i sat the exam had phoned the office to say that id passed and they were sending the cert out :)

From my perspective, I think that knowing your stuff is paramount and it is Part B which most struggle on. When doing this section it can help to:

1. Draw out the scenario, labling cable sizes, fuses etc - issues will become apparent and leap out at you

2. Break it down into managable chunks

3. Write out calcs in full, including the original formulae

4. Remember, you have probably answered most of the problems in Part A, although not as one great mass, so if you think you have - read back this can engage the 'click-whirr' process, where a prompt in the right direction can aid memory recall

5. Take your time - you have much more than you think - most people tend to fly through part A thus gaining time for Part B

6. Try and relax

Good luck to all

I obviously had one of the easier papers!

Doesn't look like I'll find out the result now before Xmas, don't know if I wanna find out, I fear the worst

Well done Moggy,

what next !!!

good luck for the future


Well, seeing as I've done 2330 level 2 & 3 and now the 2391, chris kitcher said I only need do the 17th update, one day course but found out today, they've scrapped it so I've gotta do the 3 day course costing 3 times as much.

City & Guilds are just ripping people off IMO !!!!!!!!!!


Well done, 2391 is a good qually to have.

The issue that you have with the 17th is now that you are effectively probably 2 books behind.

i.e you started on the brown?

Have gone through the red, & now we have the green.

Thus you must do the full course on the green book.

It's NOT a rip off is is them trying to uphold standards.
