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'funny' man™
Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Anglesey North Wales
Hi there

I am considering offering a service to the many rental houses, hotels etc in the area. I am thinking of doing a fixed price for the average house, obviously bigger houses, hotels etc will be more.

In terms of certification etc what would I need? Do I need to be a scam member just to provide a PIR? what about PAT testing?

Your thoughts would be appreciated


Realistically (and unfortunately) it's likely that their insurance companies may require membership of one of these bodies. Not sure whether this would apply to PAT as well or not. NICEIC have a PAT certification now.

Hope your flock are well.



No need for public indemnity insurance, just your standard public liability.

my scheme provider makes u have PI insurance, my insurance broker told me it was pointless and was only really needed by solicitors or accountants (i think) and it was near on impossible to claim on.

my scheme provider makes u have PI insurance, my insurance broker told me it was pointless and was only really needed by solicitors or accountants (i think) and it was near on impossible to claim on.
I wouldn't touch an animal without PI insurance in place. It's there to protect against negligence. Now although negligence could lead to harm to people or property that may be covered on your PLI it may not, but you could still be sued.

This is especially so when people are paying for your opinion (as in a PIR) rather than a physical job. As a Vet I hope never to have to claim of either insurance but I am far more likely to need my PI insurance at some point!

my scheme provider makes u have PI insurance, my insurance broker told me it was pointless and was only really needed by solicitors or accountants (i think) and it was near on impossible to claim on.
I would imagine that professional indemnity insurance is applicable only to the professions.

You would imagine wrong. It protects you against negligence.
Inspection and Testing is limited liability however so it would be difficult for it to be proven that an act or omission on your part would render you legally culpable.

I would say go for it rev,

but would most deffo suggest you have PI ,

its for your advice, not your workmanship.

surely you could pick up a PAT machine <500

Depends on what you want, you can pick up a simple cheapy for not much, but then a more expensive one is easier to use and makes paperwork a doddle as all you have to do is get home, connect to PC and hit print.

Scanning and tagging etc... is also something that makes it easier, depends how much you're likely to do though and how often. Much easier for repeat customers as return visits are a breeze but expensive if you only end up doing 1 set of tests for each job or there are several years inbetween and only a few customers.

I've always ended up with the Seaward PAT testers, couple of people have the smaller units and have had no troubles, my Europa+ was fine for a while but has recently developed a fault actually now I think about it, not had much use and is only 3 or 4 years old. Hmm, probably not a good recommendation that.

Thanks. I would like one that has memory and pc link up capability. The one I used in my last job was a megger - not sure of model but that was really good and had a list of different categories, PC, SC1, SC2 etc etc....

Obviously I want to keep my set up costs as low as possible. Are second hand units a wise option?

Thanks. I would like one that has memory and pc link up capability. The one I used in my last job was a megger - not sure of model but that was really good and had a list of different categories, PC, SC1, SC2 etc etc....
That's basically what the Europa does, give the item an ID, tell it what type of equipment it is and off it goes with the relevant tests then you enter the serial number etc and move on to the next one. I think they all have their quirks, not all are perfect so I'd have a test of a few before committing.

Obviously I want to keep my set up costs as low as possible. Are second hand units a wise option?
It depends on the unit, it's like anything secondhand. I'm sure there are bargains to be had, I've seen people selling full kits with loads of extras for not much. Depends why they're selling them, some people just buy the kit and can;t make it pay so sell it after little use, others sell to upgrade, others get rid of old tat that doesn;t work any more. I always tend to buy new when it comes to test equipment, just piece of mind and also I like new stuff!

Obviously I want to keep my set up costs as low as possible. Are second hand units a wise option?
Maybe PM Megger Mark? He seems a helpful bloke. He might even have something someone has part exchanged or returned that you could save a few quid?


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