Peaky Blinders ....anyone watch ?

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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I don't watch much TV  , including this but have seen a few clips  .    I noticed some strange accents going on ...none of them anything like Brummie  TBH  .  Sounds more like  Eastenders to me .    It seems to getting more popular .

As far as I know , Peaky Blinders were a gang in the Small Heath area of Birmingham  , razors sewed in the peaks etc  .  If they were from Small Heath they'd have had pronounced Brummie accents  ...load of Bluenoses...  although today the accents are somewhat different  in that area . 

We were told as kids if not in the house before dark the Peaky Blinders would get you .

I was going to post a Youtube on speaking Brummie but tham all spakin' Yam-Yam  ...they cor gerritt roit 

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The Binders were actually descended from Gypsy famiilies so not "local Brummies"  That might explain their accents?

It would be interesting to know how much of this is pure fiction and how much based loosely on fact.

As far as I can tell a lot of it is filmed at the Black Country museum. Certainly a lot of the canal scenes.

Probably right ,   I do know that none of it is filmed in Brum  as there are no locations suitable .   The Luftwaffe destroyed half of the buildings and the City Council destroyed the rest . 

This is about the only ancient building left , The Old Crown in Digbeth   1368       other than Aston Hall .

download.jpg states the following;

Where is Peaky Blinders filmed?

Birmingham’s Small Heath area has changed massively over the last century, and no longer looks anything like it did during the years when Peaky Blinders is set. The slums have been cleared and major roads have been built through the area.

“We would love to shoot the whole thing in Birmingham,” Producer Laurie Borg previously told the Birmingham Mail. “But unfortunately the period locations we need just don’t exist anymore.”

For that reason, Birmingham has been recreated on screen using purpose-built sets and a patchwork of locations including Manchester and Liverpool, Yorkshire and places across the West Midlands.

Doc H.

Thanks for that info Doc.

So I was right that some was filmed at the Black country Museum.  I was sure I recognised that, in particular the entrance to the Dudley canal tunnel.

Thats put me in my place then , thank you for that  insult to myself , my family , my parents , my friends , colleagues  & fellow Brummies . 

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Just to explain the last post which won't make much sense refers to a now removed post of an insulting nature .  

It wasn't meant that way , a genuine  apology  was made by the poster  & accepted by myself .  
