So what you're saying is yes we are right, however you disagree. So the only option then is to do the opposite, I think what you want is for someone to come along and say what you want to hear, which is a bit pointless. Just price it for whatever you want, if you want the job at any cost then price it accordingly, if you're happy to do it foryes I agree with what you say. But I have a PIR to quote, and its a job I want to do as theres not much around. From my first visit I can see there is loads of remedial work to do. Its an old installation and very bodged. I have seen too many companies quoting on the steep side to do these kind of PIR's knowing in advance that there will be so many limitations on the report that its not worth the paper its written on.
I've done that in the past as well, particularly where the cert is so the property can be let or similar. No point in them having a cert that doesn;t say it's satisfactory.I have, in the past been to do an initial survey, and been totaly frank with the customer.If you feel there would be some major problems tell them, tell them you could also quote for a full PIR, but your visit has just failed the installation on visual alone.
I've never been asked that, and if I was I would say that's not how I price it. If they want a per circuit price tell them to take your price and divide it by the amount of circuits they have.Anyhow, How much do you guys charge for a circuit. I try to work it out on a daily rate but everyone asks. HOW MUCH PER CIRCUIT????????
Whilst you are quite right, I think the idea is it averages out over the installation. Bit like PAT testing, some equipment I can do 10 in 15mins, others take me half an hour for 4.How can you price per circuit...You could have an imersion circuit (1 point)
or a socket ring (15 points)
are you trying to say that it'd take the same amount of time to I&T those circuits???