I've been changing a few light fittings in our house in my spare time, and have done a few so far, with the instructions that you guys gave me a couple of weeks ago. I've just come up against another problem now though. The colours of these wires are different and there is a wire less than in the others! (see the attached photo).
It is in the kitchen where I've already done one at the other end of the room with an extra wire and no yellow one!
Please help again, guys.
I've been changing a few light fittings in our house in my spare time, and have done a few so far, with the instructions that you guys gave me a couple of weeks ago. I've just come up against another problem now though. The colours of these wires are different and there is a wire less than in the others! (see the attached photo).
It is in the kitchen where I've already done one at the other end of the room with an extra wire and no yellow one!
Please help again, guys.