Please help save Scotland.

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Nov 28, 2009
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I think you need to be resident in Scotland to help with these.

Two petitions doing the rounds.

First to stop there being another independence referendum (remember the 2014 referendum was "once in a generation")

And the second to call for Nicolar Sturgeon to resign as First Minister for the great dis service she is doing to Scotland.

If they lost the referendum again then yes.  BUT there are almost enough Scots who simply have hatred for Westminster / England / Tories (delete as appropriate, or not) who would vote for independence even if it was proven beyond a doubt that Scotland would be a basket case backwater economy with Austerity on steroids to try and ballance it's budget.  I don't want to take that risk.

I can kiss goodby to any hope now of selling our old house until this is over. we are stuck with an un finished new house, no hope of selling the old one. Despair does not even come close. It looks like we are going to implement plan B and rent the old house until this is all over and try again in a couple of years to sell it.

If I had known the pain that was to come, I would not have moved here 14 years ago, I would have stayed in England even WITH phart phee.

Not being funny Dave but you lot up there get it quite good compared with us fools down south.

That could all end if the SNP falls apart

The housing market is in a weird kind of bubble where nothing is actually moving with the whole EU Brexit nonsense going on I suspect it's all about cooking the books because I see nothing for sale and no one buying here in London.

The lack of confidence is breaking a lot of chains.

I'm very curious as to the timing of this announcement last Monday..... surely she would have been better off to see what the outcome of the UK/EU discussions are (along with the outcomes of the Dutch, French and German elections)

The EU could be a very different place, with very different goals before the end of 2017

The house prices in London are beyond all comprehension to us here 'oop north .   Bound to be a load of corruption afoot , as in , lets jack up prices and blame Brexit.

I know nothing about Scottish politics TBH .  I do know that many Scots enjoy spouting  their dislike of  England , the English , the Conservatives and Parliament in general .  I think they are a minority but could be shooting themselves in the foot .  But I believe their future should be to remain in the UK ...I get the feeling that the many are being led by the few , and those few would like to be srutting the European stage  like big fish in a small pool .    

Just a thought ...if they remain in the EU  they can have all the immigrants can't they .   I will personally stand at Spaghetti Junction and direct them north to the border .  As long as Trumpton doesn't start extending Hadrian's wall of course.

the SNP have always wanted independence. After the last vote Dave the pig courgetteer promptly back tracked rapidly on lots of promises to the Scotts to the point Scotland would now vote for indepenedence, and 600,000 immigrants would also vote to leave the UK to maintain EU membership. I reckon the SNP would win this time.


Not due Scotland will be allowed continuous membership of the EU, so a double whammy of out of the UK and the EU ...... So the SNP will really be able to control their own destiny


Do you know the biggest laugh of all though!! The idiot scottish morons that "hate England and the tories etc" by voting for the SNP, are merely giving themselves more of the same. The SNP will NEVER have any power, how they going to win a general election??? If the muppest had voted Labour it would be bye bye hated tories....

SNP voter = dim...


I really don't understand Nicola Sturgeons timing of this statement, nor the timing of the referendum she wants ..... its more than likely that the UK and the EU will still have their guns pointing at each other so quite how the Scots are expected to make a rational decision is beyond me......

I really don't understand Nicola Sturgeons timing of this statement, nor the timing of the referendum she wants ..... its more than likely that the UK and the EU will still have their guns pointing at each other so quite how the Scots are expected to make a rational decision is beyond me......
You don't understand SNP politics.

NS knows she is just stirring it up. The name of the game is to stir up hatred of the English. the Tories, and Westminster.  Theresa May saying no you can't have another referendum will just have the wee ginger one spitting more feathers and citing this as another example of those nasty lot down south telling us what we can and can't do.

The aim is not to have a rational debate where people can make an informed choice on what is best for Scotland. They know they will not win that way. So it's all about stirring up hatred and division to try and get people to vote for "anything but Westminster" even if the alternative is actually worse.

I have been saying it for a long time. Nicolar Sturgeon is doing a great disservice to Scotland, just for the nationalists own political ideals.

You don't understand SNP politics.

NS knows she is just stirring it up. The name of the game is to stir up hatred of the English. the Tories, and Westminster.  Theresa May saying no you can't have another referendum will just have the wee ginger one spitting more feathers and citing this as another example of those nasty lot down south telling us what we can and can't do.

The aim is not to have a rational debate where people can make an informed choice on what is best for Scotland. They know they will not win that way. So it's all about stirring up hatred and division to try and get people to vote for "anything but Westminster" even if the alternative is actually worse.

I have been saying it for a long time. Nicolar Sturgeon is doing a great disservice to Scotland, just for the nationalists own political ideals.

I realise that but what would she do if Jeremy Corbyn was PM? I suspect the same.

I worked with a couple of Scots about 15 years ago - one of them banged on ALL the time about the English being nasty....I've got a large dose of Scottish blood in me and have quite a few Scottish relatives - they all seem normal to me!

Do you know the biggest laugh of all though!! The idiot scottish morons that "hate England and the tories etc" by voting for the SNP, are merely giving themselves more of the same. The SNP will NEVER have any power, how they going to win a general election??? If the muppest had voted Labour it would be bye bye hated tories....

SNP voter = dim...

is it possible to swap the woRd English for immigrant? & SNP for UKIP?

It apears everyone is secretly a racist, how else do these fools get into power???

Nicola Sturgeon is a dangerous spoiled brat. The people of Scotland voted to stay within the UK, and I, England and Wales welcomed their choice. I was born in England but can by right of birth claim dual citizenship, my wife was born in Scotland so I take a very keen interest in what goes on north of the border.

Scotland is not a member of the UK as a standalone country, they are a perhaps suburb of a member country at best. Scotland will be out of the EU and if a referendum is taken that the SNP win, they will be thrown to the wolves, forced to take on the Euro as a currency and end up very similar to Greece.

The Scots are well aware of this, and Nicola Sturgeon would in my opinion loose any election should it take place within the next 18 months or so.

if you take the Scottish vote out of the 'remainers', then England really did vote for Brexit.

What makes you call Sturgeon a spolied brat  @Manator?

I quite like Sturgeon, even if I don't agree with her politics, she seems to have pretty concise and clear arguments which seem mostly sensible and orates them well. She is (and always was) going to try and find an excuse for a second vote, especially after Hameroon back tracked on lots of the promises he made to the Scots about greater independence. It's the reason the SNP exist.

if you take the Scottish vote out of the 'remainers', then England really did vote for Brexit.

What makes you call Sturgeon a spolied brat  @Manator?

I quite like Sturgeon, even if I don't agree with her politics, she seems to have pretty concise and clear arguments which seem mostly sensible and orates them well. She is (and always was) going to try and find an excuse for a second vote, especially after Hameroon back tracked on lots of the promises he made to the Scots about greater independence. It's the reason the SNP exist.
No she does not have clear and consice arguments.

It's all about we can do it, we can be independent, how dare you tell us what to do, how dare you say we can't. and when she gets excited she goes into that childish high pitched whining voice.

I much prefer Ruth Davidson (Scottish Conservative leader) for clear, well reasoned and well presented arguments.
