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He has none , hes a Smilie FFS , we are responsible for his upbringing and its not easy......being taller than 5 mm would help ...the dog nearly had him yesterday. :eek:
I thought this thread had stopped and closed up shop. On the topic of the dog nearly having Brian, could you ask him to get that bit of string out while he is in there, or has that problem been resolved yet Deke?

Doc H.

Which would be easier without Oscar humping your leg............ :Spam2

SORRY!!!!!!!!!! :| :Blushing :Blushing

Thats not Oscar humping his leg.......................

I will just put my trousers back on...

please look away!!!

:slap :slap:slap:slap:slap:slap:slap:slap:slap




I really am sorry!!

I was just on the way to the toilet at the end of the east wing corridor....

But Admins closed them for cleaning!!X(X( X(

so I was on me way back up to the 2nd floor by the canteen....

and the cleaners had left this door open... :eek:

I didn't mean to look in it again HONEST.. :Blushing

I will just turn the light back off and shut the door behind me!

:innocent :innocentO)


I was doing so well there,

and now you got me started off again,

and all because I opened the wrong door looking for the exported earth rod room.........................

bloody morons the lot o ya.................................

It's hard to ignore something with all the racket going off here.

Chocolate covered raisins btw, eat them by the sack full.

and it's only a single phase supply. Did I mention that...............
Oh dear, bet you never did your calculations when you shoved that in. It'll need at least 250A three phase supply per kw\hour.

Oh dear, bet you never did your calculations when you shoved that in. It'll need at least 250A three phase supply per kw\hour.
LOL - I know when the nearest farm starts his vacuum pump because the lights flicker - I kid you not! :eek:

LOL - I know when the nearest farm starts his vacuum pump because the lights flicker - I kid you not! :eek:
I've seen plenty that do the same, did a working farm where the whole place was plunged into darkness when the cows came in.

Oh dear, bet you never did your calculations when you shoved that in. It'll need at least 250A three phase supply per kw\hour.
He runs it off a 13amp plug top

and a really really really really long extension lead from the neighbors 18,500m down the lane!

all works good tho! ;)
