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Senior Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Has anyone got a list of types of appliances and the recommended period between tests, I've read INDG236, but its a bit vague ie desktops is up to five years then class 1 items is 1-2 years well most desktops are class 1 so what is it??

class I computers are unlikely to be moved for many years so little risk of damage between inspections

Class I tools are more likely to be damaged, so need tested more often

person testing has to decide on an appropriate time depending on use etc

Has anyone got a list of types of appliances and the recommended period between tests, I've read INDG236, but its a bit vague ie desktops is up to five years then class 1 items is 1-2 years well most desktops are class 1 so what is it??
HSE have various downloadable guides - in fact I have just downloaded a really interesting one called "Maintaining portable electrical equipment in offices and other low-risk environments" - God I despise PAT Testing

Has anyone got a list of types of appliances and the recommended period between tests, I've read INDG236, but its a bit vague ie desktops is up to five years then class 1 items is 1-2 years well most desktops are class 1 so what is it??
Sorry I didn't read your post properly the first time - INDG236 is a bit vague, I agree. Basically all the info available are guidelines - there is no specific period for testing and inspection. I normally say 24 months for a PC, less for a PC in say a garage/workshop etc. - new PCs don't need testing for up to 5 years. Depends on the environment; the user and the likelyhood of damage/misuse. Also PCs generally don't last much longer than a few years before they are upgraded. It's your call really.

Has anyone got a list of types of appliances and the recommended period between tests, I've read INDG236, but its a bit vague ie desktops is up to five years then class 1 items is 1-2 years well most desktops are class 1 so what is it??
As Andy said it is a subjective mutual agreement between what the client wants, your experienced judgment, any specify timeliness given by insurance or similar bodies..

As an example Brian Scaddens PAT book suggests the following for Class I IT equipment:-

Offices/Shops/Hotels Visual every 2 years Combined Inspect & test every 4 years

Whereas in a School it is full test every year.

Thats Page 6 of this book... (a useful quick ref at less than
