Precautions to be taken on a very windy day !

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Revved Up Sparky

Senior Member
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
North Wales
I'm in the process of rewiring an Anglican church, it's a Grade 2 listed building but it has'nt got a toilet ! grr.

Anyway I was taking a sneaky pee next to a hedge in the graveyard outside and a gust of wind caught my pee and sprayed it all upwards right in my face !.

Not a pleasant experience I can tell you !.

Has anybody else had an incident in the last two days involving this very windy weather ?

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A fine example of why you should be provided with toilet & washing facilities,

I threw up on the wall of death when I was 14 Link and coated myself and quite a few other people with liquid hot dog!!

Well is this a suitable topic for the forum I wonder? after careful reading I see no conflicts with the forum T&C's, or references to anyone taking the Pi55 so I think it can stay? Also its always good to laugh at someone else's mistakes! Thank you revved Up Sparky.

Doc H.

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classic story,

got no funny stories to tell, but I was fitting 2 areials to a chimney yesterday. Clinging to the chimney stack crying like a girl.
