thank you for all the replies, i really need to find a website that this is stated on, or a reg, as I have to print/photocopy it and take it down the estate agents as evidence, they want written proof and wont take my work for it.I would print this thread off but too be honest, they are not going to take it seriously if it is off a forum. does the ESC have anything on their website? I cant find nothing, only discussion forums
I need it for tomorrow
Thanks fro all your help.
Did you read posts #9 & #12

page 13 of BS7671!!!
114.1 The regulations are
non-statutory . etc.. etc..
Non Statutory means..
"YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :C
and for added reading...
Note the picture on page 16 of the OLD rewireable fuse box.. and the comment underneath it?
ALSO look at
Table 41.2 page 48 of BS7671.. note that 3036 re-wireable fuses are STILL an acceptable means of overload protection..
Did you not read any of these items..
As the Doc says you wont find any regs saying when moving house you must/or must not rewire an existing fuse box!!
It DON'T exist!!!!
Bit like me asking you to show me the highway code rule at that says I can stay at 57mph speed limit on a dual carriageway..
That I can park my car on my drive overnight...
There IS NO rules saying I can. just as there is no rule saying I cant..
But there are rules saying I mustn't exceed given speed limits or park in restricted zones!
ALSO as I previously said regs are NOT retrospective..
just like if you have an old car..
you do NOT have to go and buy a new one with air-bags & ABS breaking & seat belts all round!!!
In a similar manner you do NOT have to upgrade your electrical installation..
BUT if you do choose to do some alterations.. the alterations should comply with current regs!!
What exactly is the quoted STATUTORY regulation that you bloke says is being contravened???
Can you put a copy of his report on here?
Or is there NO document.. just here-say word of mouth!!?
---------- Post Auto-Merged at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was made at 15:21 ----------
What part of the country are you in? Could someone pop in to give a second opinion?