tied to what exactly?You`re NOT scared of falling off. If you`re closer than 800mm to the edge, you`re wearing fall restraint, like a good boy And you`ve got one of those self-inflating, waistcoat things that cushion impacts. H&S, don`tcha know.
I could harness onto a nearby tile then I suppose, :|Chimney, you wazz.If they don`t have one, use the nearest available skyhook, that has been tested as suitable for your body weight x 1.215 (allows for food & tools in workbelt).
You HAVE to be attached to summat mate - its the law. The height police come & nick you if you don`t comply.
The correct answer will be posted soon, after you have all had a go at it.As a solar PV installer which of the following are you NOT concerned with?
a) How is the customer going to pay for it?
B) In what direction is the roof faceing?
c) What is the inclination of the roof?
d) How much insulation is in the loft?