RCBO problem

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Once again, some wonderful words of wisdom (not) ........... allowed to go unchecked.

If it was a wiring fault then the RCD would be tripping irrespective of what is plugged in.
I would think if there were a wiring fault, it would trip even with NOTHING plugged in.
Neutral / Earth faults are load specific - so won't trip an RCD with all loads disconnected.

As the loads increase, so does the earth-leakage........eventually tripping the RCD.

So when PC says this.......

My money's on a highish resistance N-E fault. Possibly in the wiring or an appliance that's permanemtly plugged in (fridge, washer etc).In these cases an IR of the circuit should be at the top of the test list.
........he is probably 100% correct. :)


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