What about cable de-rating when surrounded by insulation? If I remember correctly the cable rating goes down to half if greater than 0.5m is covered in insulation. To my mind having the cable above the insulation makes far more sense regardles of what is quoted as a referenceing method.
morning Dave
De-rating indeed does apply!
but I look at the probable risks of what may happen to the cable during its reasonable working life...
IHMO if the cable is not clipped to something..
you have no way of knowing its not going to get covered or buried by either..
1) someone else moving the insulation around..(say plumber putting pipes though, T.V. aerial installation Eng', etc...)
2) someone has the bright idea to board the loft, (all or part) sticks a few more beams across.. squashed the insulation around a bit... and puts there B&Q T&G chipboard across the top...
3) customer decides to chuck them off-cuts of carpet up the loft when they have new carpet fitted downstairs..
All examples of what does happen in the real world...
went back to a job this week that I rewired back in Feb/March..
they were still due to have a new bathroom suit fitted tiled etc..
and were now ready for final fix of some bathroom electric stuff..
had to go in the loft to the transformer/timer for the 12v extractor fan..
& the whole loft now boarded! nice new springy hatch door with fold-out ladder... all the cables now completely buried & enclosed!
back to inst methods..
To my understanding if it is clipped to something ... One side of the cable can NOT get buried..
& this appears so by the guidance on pgs 52, 53 OSG?
the little picture of method 100 has a the left-hand cable very close to the top of the insulation... but its still no different then the middle cable resting on the plasterboard.. which IMHO is more buried????
I'd probably grab a few batons. nail em between some roof supports and clip my cable up above the insulation... [clipped direct method C: 10mm 64A]
OR maybe...
stuff some conduit.. (or maybe flat ducting).. and put the cable under neath the insulation.. so it cant get any more buried than it already is! [enclosed in conduit in insulation method A: 10mm 44A]
Pull some insulation back and take it around the edge of the loft where no insulation..
I understand there is normally some small gap at the edges to allow the ventilation from under the eaves to come through... stop dry-rot or condensation buildup in the loft?
First option most likely for me, rather than leaving loose across insulation?

? :| ?:|