This reminds me I did have a problem when I got my system in 2016. I bought my system with a friend living about 500 yards. We place the ordered together to get a discount. We got the exact same equipment, The only difference my 16 panels are SE while his are 8 E and 8 West- His roof has a slightly higher pitch than mine. Our systems were commissioned mid of jan 2016.
It was expected that he would generate earlier and later in the day and in winter, because of the pitch, also more. This is what happened.
However, came April and his system could peak at about 3kW while mine did not exceed 2kW. I started to really wonder.
I contacted the installer and they found out only one string was producing. They came and found out one string had not been connected correctly!!
I would have found out eventually but not knowing when would my panels generate the most power, it would have taken longer.
Comparing is good

So maybe as Joules says, maybe another cause is that some panels or string are connected correctly.