removal of c/u front to inspect before testing

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Suprised they haven't started putting shrouds over the incoming side of the main switch yet, what with all the HSE stuff nowadays.
Mk always used to although not nowadays , Mem do in there boards and ge also have covers over some of there main switches. But you should only be taking lid off if you know what you are doing so a bit of exposed terminal should not be a problem. Most three phase boards have covers which is more important.

I've fitted a few 3phase MEM boards with a rotating lever instead of a switch for the isolation. Therefore you can't take the cover off without turning the switch, fortunatley you can turn it part way and take the cover off without it turning off the whole DB. Now i wonder why they did that then.

Mk always used to although not nowadays , Mem do in there boards and ge also have covers over some of there main switches. But you should only be taking lid off if you know what you are doing so a bit of exposed terminal should not be a problem. Most three phase boards have covers which is more important.
Totally agree.

totally agree with that, and im confident that i do, its just our tutor being a bit of a dick, he seams to get off on you getting an answer wrong rather than teaching you the right answer in the first place!!

saying that you are "compitent" is wrong as far as he is concerned (we all have our level 2 2330! and in my job as a maintenance fitter i have to do electrical stuff all the time)

hes just being a pain and making things harder than they have to be!! headbang

Maybe he is conditioning you.
no mate, conditioning us would be to teach us the stuff we need to know THEN test us..........he's just a 5ft 1" pot bellied gimp that likes to belittle you infront of everyone by asking stuff he knows you carnt answer...theres a book running on how long its gunna be b4 some one smacks him in the mouth!! ROTFWL

Hmm. Does the book also include possible locations for the recipient of the smack or is it just the mouth?

Hmm. Does the book also include possible locations for the recipient of the smack or is it just the mouth?
you would have to sitting down to punch him any lower than the mush,ROTFWLROTFWL

I've fitted a few 3phase MEM boards with a rotating lever instead of a switch for the isolation. Therefore you can't take the cover off without turning the switch, fortunatley you can turn it part way and take the cover off without it turning off the whole DB. Now i wonder why they did that then.
Depending on the exact board, the red handles either pop off with a screwdriver, or there is a screw in the middle under a pop on panel :D

... its a bit hard to carry out a PIR on anything but domestic without opening switchgear live!

(oh and for what its worth...I have had poorly terminated conductors fall out of light switches when I've pulled them forward live on some jobs, and no you don't always know what circuit (or even what DB) its from, and even if you did you couldn't leave it unattended to go and pull the fuse... its just a case of being aware it can happen and poping it back in with a pair of VDE approved needle nose pliers :eek: )

no mate, conditioning us would be to teach us the stuff we need to know THEN test us..........he's just a 5ft 1" pot bellied gimp that likes to belittle you infront of everyone by asking stuff he knows you carnt answer...theres a book running on how long its gunna be b4 some one smacks him in the mouth!! ROTFWL
Take this from experience, In many years time you will more than likely look back at this guy as the person who taught you the most !
